Black Hills State University/SURF QuarkNet Center

A collaboration of teachers, students and physicists involved in inquiry-based, particle physics explorations.

Center Leads:

  • Kara Keeter, BHSU (mentor)
  • Peggy Norris, SURF (mentor)
  • Chad Ronish, SURF (center director)
  • Doug Scribner, Lead Teacher

Additional Website: Click Here


Teachers, students and physicists working together to explore high energy physics.



Links :

Cosmic Ray Classroom Activity; “Know Your Machine”

Created by Team Awesome (Doug, Jim, and Zach from Newcastle, HS) at BHSU Quarknet Summer 2014.

NMDB Barometric Coefficient Calculation

pressure correction to CR flux to find Forbush Decrease during solar storm. from Neutron Monitor Database:…

It's No Coincidence student Activity w/Teacher Notes

Developed by Rose Emanuel, Chad Ronish, and LuAnn Lindskov during QuarkNet at BHSU in June, 2014

Four Fold Coincidence


Looking forward to officially becoming a member and learning how to collect and upload data with our detector.

Inquiry Variations

Documents listed below were discussed by Dale Ingram (LIGO) during the LIGO eLab workshop June 3-4, 2013 at BHSU

Welcome to the BHSU Group

  Welcome to the Black Hills State University Center group. To start, here are three things you can do right now: Create/edit your site profile (please do ASAP!) 1.     In the top menu, roll over "My…