Cosmic Ray e-Lab Fellows, Center Group

library for workshop documents

Workbench space for e-Lab Fellows to create, edit, and store workshop resources and documents.

Links :

Cosmic Ray Telescope TRACKING plan 20-May-2017

Cosmic Ray Workshop Agenda

“Our mission is to create opportunities for teachers and students to explore the nature of scientific research. Using cosmic ray muon detectors, participants design and perform experiments to analyze…

Improvements to CR e-Lab

We propose a meeting at FNAL to discuss the e-Labs (31 March- 2 April). While most of our concerns are about Cosmic, we may also discuss other e-Labs for a limited time. Our experience with phone-…


EQUIP test version with Lifetime & channel timing.

QN Cloud Chamber

QuarkNet Cosmic Ray Cloud Chamber, V1.5

Cosmic Workshop Resources

Generic e-Lab PPT presentation script for Summer 2012 Cosmic Ray e-Lab workshops Punch List for generic CRMD & Cosmic e-Lab workshop, May 2012.  This describes all the pre-steps to get…

e-Lab Fellows

Nathan Unterman:; Jeff Rodriguez: Martin Shaffer: Kevin Martz: Rose…

CRMD User Agreement, Assembly Instructions, Users Manual

1.  CRMD USER AGREEMENT Current agreement necessary for receiving a new "6000" CRMD following the next production cycle:  CRMD User Agreement, V2.0.   2.  CRMD ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS Series "6000"…

e-Lab Fellows Working Documents

1.  PLATEAUING DETECTORS "6000" CRMD Counters, Current version: Nov 2011 Remade from previous versions; tested by Jeremy Paschke and Martin Shaffer, Summer 2009 Students will require both…