University of Illinois at Chicago / Chicago State University Center

QuarkNet center for teachers in the Chicago area particularly interested in cosmic ray studies.


Mark Adams, Mentor
Edmundo Garcia, Mentor
Nate Unterman, Lead Teacher

Additional Website: Click Here

Welcome to the UIC QuarkNet Center.  Our website is found at

and our active dector sites are given in this google map:

Links :

UIC-CSU 2020 Annual Report

Resources for Cosmic Ray Analyses Online

Cosmic Ray Analysis Opportunities The QuarkNet Cosmic Ray e-Lab ( contains a large data set of cosmic ray events and analysis tools with which teachers can…

MUSE Neutrino Beam

MUSE Profiling Muon Flux in Fermilab's MINOS Tunnel

MUSE Profiling Muon Flux in Fermilab's MINOS Tunnel

MUSE CR Muon Rates versus Depth

MUSE Facilitating the High School Shielding Experiemnt

MUSE Background and 26 Degrees from Vertical Cosmic Rates

AAPT poster 4 of 4

AAPT poster 3 of 4