Register for W2D2

02 December 2016 


Register your group here for World Wide Data Day!

Notes and Instructions:

  • World Wide Data Day 2016 will be held from 00:00 to 23:59 UTC on 2nd December 2016. When you convert to your local time zone, some of this interval may fall on 1st or 3rd December, depending on your location and the time. 
  • You may convert times at
  • Registration should be done by the leader of your W2D2 team. Usually, this is the teacher in a school.
  • Please note that the first 6 items in the Registration form are required. 
  • Student videoconferences with TRIUMF, CoEPP, CERN, and Fermilab are up to 30 minutes long. Times are assigned in advance. You should choose the interval(s) in which your group is available for a videoconference. Each interval is 2 hours long; your videoconfernce will be assigned with one of the intervals you choose. If you need to express your time more specifically, please add a comment at the end of the form. Make sure you convert between UTC and your own time zone!

Access the registration form here: Closed.

Registration is due by 12:00 UTC on Monday 7th November 2016.

Questions? Contact us!