LHC Masterclass Library 2024

Links :

Fermilab IMC Moderator Orientation 2024

Feb 27, 14:00 CET, Fermilab WH7XO or Zoom Make-up/Q&A:  Feb 29 on Zoom only. Small URL for this page: .   Agenda Time (CT) Activity on your own View these videos or examine the…

CMS Higgs Plots

4-lepton     4-lepton, animated   Diphoton

ATLAS Published Mass Plots

Dimuon 4-lepton       ATLAS diphoton   (ATLAS plots, animated)  

CMS Published Mass Plots

Dimuon   4-lepton   4-lepton, animated  

Fermilab Masterclass Moderators 2024

  Small URL for this page: https://cern.ch/fnal-mod.   Moderator Orientations CERN: Feb 12, 2024, see Indico page for recordings.  FNAL: Orientation meeting Feb 27, 14:00 CET, Fermilab WH7XO or…

Classroom 2024

This page is to help to guide teachers in preparing students for their masterclass.NavigationObjectivesSuggested activitiesAdditional resourcesGet the word outGo to full Project Map.  Prior knowledge…

Orientation 2024

This page is to help to guide mentors in preparing their teams, including teachers, for the masterclass.NavigationNew InstitutesExperienced InstitutesOrientation Schedule Go to Project Map.  New…

ATLAS Z-path measurement 2024

This page is to help to guide mentors and teachers in planning the masterclass with the ATLAS Z-path measurement.NavigationScreencastsHypatia and dataStudents arriveShift trainingData analysisSharing…

CMS Masterclass Documentation

  2024 Edition   Short URL for this page: http://cern.ch/go/76BG. This document in PDF form:  CMS_Masterclass_Documentation_21Feb2024.   CMS WZH 2,4-Lepton Measurement  Created by K. Cecire, T…