Data Workshop Template

This page helps guide creation of a data workshop.


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Data Workshops are workshops for teacher with physicists participating. They take a recommended 8-12 hours and are designed to be facilitated by a QuarkNet staff member or fellow. Data Workshops have been done both in and outside the U.S. with some success. For masterclasses, the Data Workshop provides the most thorough orientation for both teachers and mentors. Outside of masterclasses, they give teachers insights into how to bring particle physics data to their students in a way that enables them to start to look at the data as physicists might. 

Please note that this document is subject to revision based on evaluation data.



  • CMS
  • Teaching and Learning
  • other



Both objectives apply to all Data Worshops.

Teachers will be able to:

  • expose students to the introductory physics concepts used in high-energy physics
  • lead students in investigations using data from particle physics experiments.


Choose one of these depending on the flavor of the workshop, though others may apply as unstated objectives.

Participating teachers are able to:

  • interpret event displays from ATLAS/CMS and explain their meaning (ATLAS or CMS)
  • prepare students for and assist mentors in facilitating a masterclass (ATLAS or CMS)
  • use and design activities that incorporate scientific inquiry. (Teaching and Learning)

Notes on objectives

  • The Data Portfolio is not mentioned in this version of objectives but is incorporated as a key resource and organizing principle.
  • Flavor-specific objectives are not mutually exclusive. For example, "use and design activities that incorporate scientific inquiry" can be a stated or unstated objective of a CMS Data Workshop.
  • Some activities may go beyond the stated objectives but support and enhance them. For example, an ATLAS Virtual Visit may not give teachers additional skills toward doing activities with students but serve as an important affective link to the actual experiment and the people who perform it. 



First Day

Coffee and Registration


Physicist presentation

Level 1 activity

Level 1 activity

Level 1 activity

Advanced Level 1 activity

Reflections and discussion


Second Day

Coffee/Recap of First Day/Restate Objectives

Virtual Visit (Fermilab, CERN, or other) 

Masterclass Measurement

e-Lab activity (Cosmic, CMS, or LIGO) 

Discuss classroom impementation



Notes on Agenda items

  • There are 3 standard Level 1 activities listed in the First Day. 
  • An example of an Advanced Level 1 activity might be Mass Calc Z. Another, not in currently in the Data Portfolio, is CMS Data Express.
  • The number of Level 1 actviities of any type may vary.
  • Masterclass and e-Lab are specficied here as they are main types of Level 2 and 3 activities.
  • In this case, "e-Lab activity" can refer to a specific activity using an e-Lab, e.g. cosmic activities developed for the ILC workshops in Japan in June 2014.




Additional workshop components

Additional resources for classroom

These may also be used in the workshop as enhancements. Examples include: