Tiny URL for this page: http://tinyurl.com/lblqn-jun15.
Tuesday June 23 | Wednesday June 24 |
08:30 Good morning, ATLAS! - Warm-up with Particle Cards 09:00 ATLAS, Higgs, and Particle Physics I (Ian Hinchcliffe) 09:30 Talking ATLAS with CERN (Zack Marshall) 10:00 Students present particle card results 10:15 ATLAS, Higgs, and Particle Physics II (Ian Hinchcliffe) 11:15 Get to know experiments and particles 12:00 Lunch QuarkNet teacher meeting: 13:00 Dark Matter and Detectors (Peter Sorenson) 14:30 Use authentic ATLAS events 16:00 End of day |
08:30 Discussion and Round-up from Tuesday 09:15 Intro to ATLAS Data Measurement 09:45 Break 10:00 W's and Z's in ATLAS Data 11:30 Discuss results 12:00 Lunch 13:00 Continue program