SST 2024: Session 1 Links, Materials, Assignment

History of the Standard Model: Part 1

June 18, 2024

7:30pm - 9:30pm Eastern time

Learning objectives:

Understand the driving motivations and important events in the history of particle physics and quantum field theory. Part 1 will cover the beginnings of modern chemistry up to the development of quantum mechanics.


The slides for Session 1 can be found here or here


The recording of the session can be found here. The chat transcript (with a lot of useful insights and additional video suggestions) can be found here.


Homework assignment (due June 18):

A. Look over the Zoom etiquette handout, sent via email. 


B. Make a slide introducing yourself. The link to the slides was sent via email. Find the slide with your name on it, and fill in a photo and some information about yourself so we can get to know each other!


C. Do the Heisenberg uncertainty principle data exercise on the QuarkNet website:


In particular, be prepared to discuss the following three questions:

  1. What happens to Δx when Δp increases? (Can you describe it mathematically?)

  2. How does your mathematical model support or contradict Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle? Describe your reasoning.

  3. How would improving the experimental setup change these results and your claims?


The homework should take approximately one hour to complete.

Additional resources: