JHU Abstract 2014-Gamma Ray Bursts

Gamma Ray Bursts   Luke Bender (Towson High School), Jeremy Smith (Hereford High School), Tyler Bradley (Towson high School), Dr. Morris Swartz (Johns Hopkins University)     The purpose of this research was to learn as much as possible about the history, cause, and effects of gamma ray bursts as…

JHU Abstract 2014-The Physics of Medical Detection Devices, Specifically MRI

The Physics of Medical Detection Devices, Specifically MRI   Emily Larkin (Hereford High School),  Jeremy Smith (Hereford High School),  Tyler Bradley (Towson High School), Dr. Morris Swartz (Johns Hopkins University) 8/8/14                  The study of medicine is applied physics. As doctors use…

JHU Abstract 2014-The Accelerated Expansion of the Universe

The Accelerated Expansion of the Universe Derek Bierly (Hereford High School), Danny Mahoney (Hereford High School), Jeremy Smith (Hereford High School), Tyler Bradley (Towson High School), Dr. Morris Swartz (Johns Hopkins University)   The purpose of our research was to provide evidence for the…

SMU Abstract 2014-CRC Undetected error analysis

SMU Abstract 2014 - X-Ray Machine Project

2014 Annual Report - Hawaii

 Hawaii QuarkNet activities -- Oct. 2013 to Aug. 2014The major event in the past year was the CMS Masterclass at Punahou on 8 March 2014.  The Cosmic Ray Day at BYU-Hawaii on 7 Sept. 2013 was described in last year's report. Photos from these events are at http://www.phys.hawaii.edu/~quarknet/.The…

U Cincinnati Abstract 2014 - Large Hadron Collider beauty Particle Analysis

T. Baker, K. Debry, B. Shen, R. Swertfeger D. Whittington (Fairfield High School) M.Sokoloff (University of Cincinnati) The purpose of our research was to identify signal and background ranges of particle masses in high energy decays from the Large Hadron Collider beauty (LHCb), and to compare…

U Cincinnati Abstract 2014 - Analysis of Particle Measurements from Large Hadron Collider

T. Baker, K. Debry, B. Shen,  R. Swertfeger D. Whittington (Fairfield High School) M. Sokoloff (University of Cincinnati)   The purpose of our research was to identify the signal and background regions in particle decay patterns and compare the measurements that to those listed in the Particle…

2014 Annual Report - UIC-CSU

2014 Annual Report - University of Kansas

University of Kansas QuarkNet Center Summer 2014 annual report             The two main activities of the University of Kansas QuarkNet center for the 2013-14 academic year were the summer research program for high school students, conducted May 27 through July 18, 2014 and a four-day workshop for…