2014 Annual Report - Vanderbilt University

  The Vanderbilt group is in the 12th year of managing and organizing, as well as mentoring teachers for the middle Tennessee QuarkNet program.  The effort started with Robert Panvini, was put on a firm footing with the leadership of Med Webster, and recently continues with Bill Gabella as the main…

2014 Annual Report - Idaho State University

The tenth annual ISU QuarkNet Summer Institute was held June 16 - 20, 2014.  QuarkNet veterans Tegan Byerly of Caldwell, Idaho, Robert Franckowiak of Logan, Virginia Jones of Idaho Falls, Dr. Steven Millward of Grace, Idaho, Daniel VanWasshenova of Pocatello, Idaho, Keith Quigley of Roy Utah,…

2014 Annual Report - U Rochester

ROCHESTER CENTER REPORT, August 2014 Mentor: Kevin McFarland Our 2014 meetings (August 1, 8, 25) had a single focus: to revise and refine the high school classroom activities (developed in 2010 using MINERvA data) and the Neutrinos in the Classroom website (developed in 2012). Ms. Carol Hoffman…

2014 Annual Report - Kansas State University

The K-State group held two workshops and a Master Class in the last fiscal year. On February 15, 2014 we held a workshop at the KSU Physics department on Physics for Policy Makers and Master Class preparation work. Twelve teachers attended. Prof. Brett DePaola, ex-Jefferson Fellow at the State…

UCSC Abstract 2014 - Lead Shielding of Muons

  Y. Takaki, D. Hamersly This experiment sought to evaluate the effect of lead shielding on muon flux by placing numerous lead bricks between the scintillator detectors. By factoring in multiple variables, the experimenters were able to calculate the expected decrement and compare it to their…

UCSC Abstract 2014 - Muon Speed Analysis

C. Woods, K. Natividad, J. Rathmann-Bloch This experiment sought to evaluate the speed of muons by placing scintillators apart and measuring how long of a delay existed between each individual scintillator's triggering. It used the Quarknet DAQ's high-precision clock to confirm trigger differences…

UCSC Abstract 2014 - The Solar Wind's Effect on Muon Flux

D. Rathmann-Bloch This experiment sought to evaluate the impact of the solar wind on the amount of muons coming in by correlating the rate of muon flux detected in a Quarknet 6000-series Scintillator detector with a) the natural day-night cycle an b) the dynamic solar wind data from NASA's SOHO…

2014 Annual Report - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Annual Report 2014                                                                    Mentors: Tony Spadafora & Eric Linder   The LBNL Physics Division hosted its eighth “Physics In and Through Cosmology” workshop for QuarkNet Leadership teachers and high…

2014 Annual Report - SCIPP/UC Santa Cruz

2014 QuarkNet Activities at SCIPP/UC Santa Cruz (A QuarkNet Center since inception) The 2014 program focused on our flagship activity, the QuarkNet Summer High School Student Internship Program.  The Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics at the University of California, Santa Cruz continues a…

2014 Annual Report - FSU and Workshop Agenda

The Florida State University High Energy Physics group continues to sponsor our local QuarkNet efforts as it has since joining as an inaugural member of QuarkNet fifteen years ago.  During the past five years the FSU QuarkNet center has interacted with physics-related research institutions in our…