2019 (Updated) CMS Workshop @ FIU

August 5-7, 2019

Chemistry & Physics Building, Room Number 275

Tiny URL for this page: https://tinyurl.com/FIUqn2019.


Participating teachers will:

  • Apply classical physics principles to reduce or explain the observations in data investigations.
  • Identify and describe ways that data are organized for determining any patterns that may exist in the data.
  • Create, organize and interpret data plots; make claims based on evidence and provide explanations; identify data limitations.
  • Develop a plan for taking students from their current level of data use to subsequent levels using activities and/or ideas from the workshop.

We will also provide opportunities to engage in critical dialogue among teaching colleagues about what they learn in the workshop.



Times and specific activities are subject to adjustment.

Monday, August 5

09:00     Introductions & QuarkNet "housekeeping"    

09:30     Workshop overview

          CERN in 3 (really 4) minutes video

09:45     Presentation: CMS (Jorge)

10:45     Break

11:00     Data Portfolio Activities:

12:00     Lunch 

13:00     Data Portfolio Activity: 

14:00    Particle Detectors Tutorial

15:00 Start prepping for Masterclass Measurement

16:00     End of day

Tuesday, August 6 

09:00     Recap of Yesterday/Plan for Today

    09:15     CMS Masterclass Measurement

           Shift training:

    Data Analysis:

    11:30    Videoconference 

    12:30     Lunch 

    13:30    Modern Lab Tour (Jorge)

    15:00     Accelerators

    16:00     End of Day

    Wednesday, August 7

    09:00     Recap of Yesterday/Plan for Today

    09:15     CMS World Wide Data Day

                  Particle Accelerators

    12:00     Lunch

    13:00     Discussion (Jorge)

    14:00     Break

    14:15    Level 3 Data Portfolio Activitiy Exploration: CMS e-Lab

    14:45     Implementation Discussion    

    15:15     Teacher Survey

    16:00     End of Workshop



