2020 CSU STEP UP Virtual Workshop
August 5, 2020
Meet Online - Zoom Link:
**Cherie will email password.**
Wednesday, August 5
08:30 Opening Activities
- Welcome & Introductions (Cherie) - reminder: Shane - start recording
- Sign-in
- Whip Around - "How are you doing?"
- What/where do you teach? Previous QN experiences?
- Update from QN Central (Shane)
- QuarkNet "big picture" and opportunities
- Registration (everyone)
- Update QuarkNet account
08:45 STEP UP Program (Shane)
- Introduction to the program
- STEP UP materials & QuarkNet STEP UP materials
- STEP UP website (APS)
- Register!
- QuarkNet STEP UP materials - Data Activities Portfolio
- Search under Curriculum Topic, "Broadening Participation," then Apply for the three QN STEP UP activities.
- STEP UP website (APS)
09:00 QuarkNet STEP UP Activity: Changing the Classroom
Poster: Guidelines for Conduct During Discussions
- Discussion Guidelines Student Page - Utilize break-out rooms - "student hat" (Cherie)
- Padlet - This is where break-out groups keep notes!
- Padlet - This is where break-out groups keep notes!
- Everyday Actions Teacher Questions - "teacher hat" (Shane)
- Every day actions Google form (click here for link) - this is anonymous
- Combined results - all QuarkNet STEP UP workshops combined
- "yearbook" photo
09:30 BREAK
09:45 QuarkNet STEP UP Activity: Careers in Physics
Tasks for this lesson | |
Task 1 (Student Hat): Pre-Lesson Brainstorm - Cherie
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Task 2 (Student Hat): Exploring Careers - Cherie
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Task 3 (Teacher Hat): Personal Career Profile - Shane
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Task 4 (Teacher Hat): Teacher Reflection - Shane Answer the following in your break-out groups; record responses on the padlet wall.
10:45 Break
11:00 Share-a-thon (link here) - Cherie
- Share ideas/strategies for distance learning
11:30 Break
12:30 Talk from Assistant Professor Mike Mooney at CSU (followed by Q&A)
- Mike Mooney recently received one the few highly competitive US Department of Energy Early Career Research Awards and is doing great work on DUNE and other neutrino experiments. He will be presenting on the status and physics of the DUNE experiment in South Dakota.
- Professor Mooney's slides can be found at end of agenda
13:00 Q&A and Break
13:15 Introduce QuarkNet STEP UP Activity: Lessons from Lise Meitner
- Why STEP UP (Shane)
- Lessons from Lise Meitner Pre-Assignment (Cherie)
- Introduce other parts of lesson - perhaps a focus for future workshop?
- Digging in deeper: Group Tasks for Lessons from Lise Meitner
- Description of full group final discussion for this lesson (Shane)
- Who do you feel comfortable working with in class? • Do you feel more comfortable in any particular class? • Have you felt your abilities were questioned? • Have you seen or experienced unfair personal treatment in your own life, either purposeful or unintentional?
- Description of Post-Assignment (scroll down)
13:45 Wrap-up (Shane)
- As a whole group, discuss options for implementation using your "teacher hat."
- QuarkNet STEP UP Survey - this is very quick!
- Survey:
- 2020 Survey Update (for those who completed the 2019 survey) ~ 6 mins.
- 2020 Survey (for those who didn't complete the 2019 survey) ~ 20 mins.
14:30 End of Day
Professor Bob Wilson, Mentor
Cherie Bornhorst, Lead Teacher & STEP UP Ambassador
Adam Pearlstein, Lead Teacher
Shane Wood, QN National Staff & STEP UP Ambassador