2021 Texas Tech Workshop & QN STEP UP Workshop

June 29 - July 2, 2021
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Full Week Agenda - Click Here

Thursday July 1, 2021 - STEP UP Workshop

Zoom Connection: https://notredame.zoom.us/j/95147405677?pwd=c3ZVMWowQ1BxL0k5UXJaNWkxeHh6dz09
Passcode, if needed: 102890



10:00    QuarkNet STEP UP Activity: Careers in Physics

Tasks for this lesson

Task 1 (Student Hat): Pre-Lesson Brainstorm
What careers can you pursue with a bachelor's degree in physics?

  • In Zoom chat box - thinking like a student - answer the question above.
  • Word cloud example (pre lesson)

Task 2 (Student Hat): Exploring Careers

  1. Take Career Goals Survey and read through 1-2 physicist profiles whose career interests match your own. (Click here and scroll down to see a hard copy of all of the current profiles.)
  2. Each person share information about one of your matches...describe the job and skills needed. Any surprises?
  3. Revisit word cloud example (pre lesson) from task one. Now check out the word cloud example (post lesson). Any additions?
  4. Physics Careers & Salaries (pdf version), then discuss...
    1. Any surprises?
    2. Any comment on any of the following...feelings about job security? ...job satisfaction claims? ...the application of physics skills/knowlege in other fields? ...salaries? ...on jobs that can help others?

Task 3 (Teacher Hat): Personal Career Profile

Task 4 (Teacher Hat): Teacher Reflection

Answer the following in your break-out groups; record responses on the padlet wall.

  1. In what way might you implement all or some of this lesson's tasks into your classroom?
  2. At what point in the school year do you think this lesson works best?
  3. Will you implement the entire lesson in one day, or will you divide the tasks over multiple days?
  4. Do you forsee any challenges in implementing this lesson with your students? How might you overcome these?

11:30    Homework for over extended lunch break

Lunch break & work time

13:30   QuarkNet STEP UP Activity: Lessons from Lise Meitner (WIP) Tasks 1-2

14:15    BREAK

14:25    QuarkNet STEP UP Activity: Lessons from Lise Meitner (WIP) Task 3 

  • Read the teacher pages for task 3
  • Personal reflection writing prompt
    • Who do you feel comfortable working with in class? • Do you feel more comfortable in any particular class? • Have you felt your abilities were questioned? • Have you seen or experienced unfair personal treatment in your own life, either purposeful or unintentional?
  • Whole group discussion 
  • As a whole group, discuss options for implementation using your "teacher hat."

15:00 QuarkNet STEP UP Activity: Changing the Classroom 

15:30 Tour Data Activities Portfolio
           A Look Ahead (masterclasses, workshops)
           Survey (Full or Update)

16:00 - End