CMS Data Analysis Virtual Workshop at UF 2020


Participating teachers will:

  • Apply classical physics principles to reduce or explain the observations in data investigations.
  • Identify and describe ways that data are organized for determining any patterns that may exist in the data.
  • Create, organize and interpret data plots; make claims based on evidence and provide explanations; identify data limitations.
  • Develop a plan for taking students from their current level of data use to subsequent levels using activities and/or ideas from the workshop.

We will also provide opportunities to engage in critical dialogue among teaching colleagues about what they learn in the workshop.

Zoom link:     (pass code is the Higgs boson mass to 3 digits in GeV units, see bottom of page or full Zoom details)

Full Zoom details 


Preworkshop screencast of workshop overview and registration

Daily sign-in:



Wed 22 July

09:00   Welcome & Introductions (Ken)

09:30    Discusson: Data Portfolio (Ken)

09:45    Level 0 Activity Prototype: Cloud Chamber (student) (teacher) (Ken)

10:15    CMS presentation (30' talk, 15' Q&A) (Darin)

10:45    Intro to homework (Jeremy)

11:00    Lunch Break   

            Homework: Level 1 Activity Rolling with Rutherford online version

1:00    Homework discussion and analysis (Jeremy)

1:15    Level 0 Activity: Shuffling the Particle Deck (online version prototype) (Jeremy)

2:00    Online teaching resources, initiation of a discussion

    2:15    end of day

      5:00    Zoom social hour


      Thu 23 July

      09:00   Check-in

      09:15    Level 2 Data Activity:

      10:15   Discussion

      10:30  begin Intro to CMS Dimuon Data Notebook and Google Colab  (initial instructions here

      11:00   Lunch Break

      1:00    continue Intro to CMS Dimuon Data Notebook and Google Colab  (initial instructions here)

                  Invariant mass slides

      1:45    Plot a simulation of distribution of direction angles Φ of CMS muon tracks using Python (Colab notebook)

      2:15    end of day

      5:00    Zoom social hour


      Movie night! Watch these videos (at least the first) as an introduction to AI neural networks by  3blue1brown:  video 1,  video 2 (optional), 



      Fri 24 July

      09:00   Check-in and homework discussion

      09:15    AI introduction and AI notebook on CMS data 

                  AI initititive at the University of Florida

                  slides    (see also YouTube videos above)

                  Workbook1,  Workbook2  on handwritten digit recostruction

      11:00    Lunch Break

      1:00    Implementation Plan

      1:55    Teacher Survey

      2:15    End of Workshop


      p.s. The mass of the Higgs boson is 125 GeV
             (hydrogen has a mass of 0.94 GeV, so the Higgs mass is as much as an element of ...)