International Projects

QuarkNet projects in collaboration with our partners outside the U.S.

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Register for W2D2

02 December 2016                                 Register your group here for World Wide Data Day! Notes and Instructions: World Wide Data Day 2016 will be held from 00:00 to 23:59 UTC on 2nd…

ATLAS muon track distribution measurement

  Introduction In this measurement, students find the directional distribution of muon track in ATLAS. They are searching for: anomalies in the distribution that might indicate a bias…

CMS muon track distribution measurement

  Introduction In this measurement, students find the directional distribution of muon track in CMS. They are searching for: anomalies in the distribution that might indicate a bias in…

Cosmic Ray Workshop at Hillside School, Addis Ababa

22-23 August, 2016 Compact URL for this page: Pre-workshop Read ahead: Cosmic Extremes Download EQUIP and USB-UART driver. Explore Cosmic Ray e-Lab on your own Request…

iSPI Fermilab and CMS Prep

Small URL for this page: Fermilab and Acclerators Experimental Partlcle Physics: Measuring what we cannot see Rolling with Rutherford Accelerating Marbles   CMS -…

CMS Masterclass at Hillside School, Addis Ababa

August 20, 2016 Compact URL for this page:                               DRAFT Agenda 09:00    Greetings and start Intro Video Particle Cards 09:45…

African School of Physics 2016 Outreach Program

Small URL for this page: This program is made possible by the African School of Fundamental Physics and Applications.   Calendar of Events: Fri 12 Aug Sat 13 Aug Tue 16…

MICA III Masterclass Corto

       Agenda del Taller Tiempos están típicales por la mañana. Workshop Agenda Times are typical for the morning.  09:00     Saludos y preparación Tarjetas de…

MICA III Taller del Clase Magistral por los Estudiantes

Friday 18 March and Saturday 19 March 2016 Pequeño URL por esta paquina: MICA III main page:       Agenda Hora Actividades Viernes 18 Marzo…

ATLAS Data Workshop at Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria, Valparaiso

Martes, 8o de Marzo 2016  Small  URL for this page: MICA III main page:           Agenda del taller Workshop agenda 13:55-14:10  …