LHC Masterclass Archive 2022

2022 Schedule for CMS masterclass videoconferences moderated by Fermilab

This will be updated as registrations are received.

Times are in U.S. Central Time. (Convert to your time zone.) This schedule is subject to change.

Date/time (U.S. Central Time)InstitutesModerator(s)StaffZoom link
Tue 08 Mar/15:00CDMX, PueblaUribe, GerberCecireFermilab-IMC-webinar02
Sat 12 Mar/15:00Honolulu, SonoraMalik, MantillaCecireFermilab-IMC-webinar02
Sat 19 Mar/14:00WilliamsburgMalik, HoganCecireFermilab-IMC-CMS
Fri 25 Mar/21:00Singapore, ShanghaiGloverCecireFermilab-IMC-webinar02
Sat 26 Mar/15:00Medellin, PiscatawayMantilla, HoganWetzlerFermilab-IMC-CMS
Mon 28 Mar 04:30Islamabad, Karachi, LahoreAbreu, GoldfarbCecireFermilab-IMC-webinar02
Fri 01 Apr/14:00ManhattanKSGloverWoodFermilab-IMC-CMS
Sat 02 Apr/15:00Buffalo, Quito, SeattleMalik, NataleWoodFermilab-IMC-CMS
Wed 06 Apr/04:30Amiens, IsaTown, ReggioCalabria, VastoNatale, Ventura BarrosoCecireFermilab-IMC-CMS
Fri 29 Apr/14:00Puebla, RioJaneiroVazquez, UribeCecireFermilab-IMC-webinar02


2022 Schedule for MINERvA masterclass videoconferences moderated by Fermilab

This will be updated as registrations are received.

Times are in U.S. Central Time. (Convert to your time zone.) This schedule is subject to change.

Date/time (U.S. Central Time)InstitutesModerator(s)StaffZoom link
Sat 19 Mar/14:00DurhamJunkWoodFermilab-IMC-MINERvA
Sat 26 Mar/15:00Mayaguez, NotreDame/StJoeJunkCecireFermilab-IMC-MINERvA
Thu 31 Mar/09:00ManchesterVT, ValenciaOlivierWood, PlucinskiFermilab-IMC-MINERvA
Thu 31 Mar/14:00Lead, NotreDame/WinamacOlivierPlucinskiFermilab-IMC-MINERvA
Sat 30 Apr/15:00Duluth, HammondJunkPasero, CoyleFermilab-IMC-MINERvA


ATLAS Data Assignments 2022

Data assignments for CERN masterclass institutes

Table of data assignments for Fermilab 2022 masterclass institutes. 

DateInstitute, data groupsInstitute, data groupsInstitute, data groups 
Sat 05 MarBerkeley, 1 and 2Santa Cruz, 3 and 4  
Fri 18 MarSaltLake, 1 and 2   
Sat 19 MarHerakion, 5 and 6   
Thu 24 MarStillwater, 7 and 8   
Sat 26 MarLisboa, 1 and 2   
Sat 02 AprLisboa, 1256781112, and 13Lusby, 3 and 4Plainview, 9 and 10 
Sat 30 AprStillwater, 13 and 14   

E-mail for data login and password.



Classroom 2022

Prior knowledge for masterclasses / Classroom prep objectives

Note: When working with students online, it is still best to lead them to do preparatory activities. Several of these activities have links to notes on virtual adaptation; others may be adapted by the teacher.

Meeting these objectives will assure that students are well prepared for the masterclass.

  • Describe the claim and indirect evidence in Rutherford's or another key experiment.
  • Identify the peak in a histogram and explain what it means.
  • Describe how quarks combine to form mesons and baryons.
  • Apply conservation rules to measurements to provide evidence for unobserved particles.





Suggested activities

Particle physics research requires the use of indirect evidence to support claims.
Rolling with Rutherford (virtual adaptation)
Students will be able to:

  • Describe the claim and indirect evidence in Rutherford’s experiment.
  • Identify the peak in a histogram and explain what it means.


The Standard Model is the current theoretical framework for our understanding of matter.

Choose one or both:

Students will be able to:

  • Describe how quarks combine to form mesons and baryons.
  • Explain how fundamental particles relate to each other based on their characteristics.


The behavior of particles is governed by conservation laws and mass-energy conversion.

Choose one or both:

Students will be able to:

  • Apply conservation rules to measurements to provide evidence for unobserved particles.






Additional resources





Get the word out about International Masterclasses!

IMC Poster (PDF) - plain


IMC Poster (PDF) - U.S. logos



IMC Flyer (PDF)

IMC Poster (doc) - editable



Orientation Schedule 2022

Start time in CT and facilitator in parentheses. New registrants: we can accommodate days and times not yet shown on this schedule. Zoom channel links will be provided directly to participants.

Date 2022ATLAS OrientationCMS OrientationATLAS UpdateCMS UpdateZoom Test
Sat 05 MarSaltLake (Zoom Ch 1,10:00) (Glover, Wetzler)  ManhattanKS, FtCollins (Zoom Ch 1.13:00) (Wood, Wegner) 
Sat 19 Mar Karachi, Islamabad, Lahore (Zoom Ch 1, 06:00) (Cecire)   
Sat 26 Mar     

* Site visit.


Moderator Orientations

CERN: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1118890/


For orientation, moderators should watch the videos and read the documents that apply. Provision will be made for Q&A and discussion. Zoom connection information is in the Moderation Schedules below.

Step 1: VideosStep 2: DocumentsStep 3: Q&A





Fermilab Masterclass Moderation Schedule 2022

This will be updated as registrations are received.

Times are in U.S. Central Time. (Convert to your time zone.) This schedule is subject to change.


Date/time (U.S. Central Time)InstitutesModerator(s)StaffZoom link
Sat 05 Mar/15:00Berkeley, Santa CruzAdelmanCecireFermilab-IMC-webinar01
Fri 18 Mar/14:00SaltLakeNorbergWegnerFermilab-IMC-ATLAS
Sat 19 Mar/10:00HeraklionGloverCecire, WetzlerFermilab-IMC-ATLAS
Thu 24 Mar/14:00Stillwater ANatale, Foti, AssamaganCecireFermilab-IMC-ATLAS
Sat 26 Mar/10:00Lisboa AAdelmanCecireFermilab-IMC-ATLAS
Sat 02 Apr/09:00Lisboa B, LusbyMD, PlainviewNYAdelmanWegnerFermilab-IMC-ATLAS
Sat 30 Apr/14:00Stillwater BNataleWetzlerFermilab-IMC-ATLAS



Date/time (U.S. Central Time)InstitutesModerator(s)StaffZoom link
Tue 08 Mar/15:00CDMX, PueblaUribe, GerberCecireFermilab-IMC-webinar02
Sat 12 Mar/15:00Honolulu, SonoraMalik, MantillaCecireFermilab-IMC-webinar02
Sat 19 Mar/14:00WilliamsburgMalik, HoganCecireFermilab-IMC-CMS
Fri 25 Mar/21:00Singapore, ShanghaiGloverCecireFermilab-IMC-webinar02
Sat 26 Mar/15:00Medellin, PiscatawayMantilla, HoganWetzlerFermilab-IMC-CMS
Mon 28 Mar 04:30Islamabad, Karachi, LahoreAbreu, GoldfarbCecireFermilab-IMC-webinar02
Fri 01 Apr/14:00ManhattanKSGloverWoodFermilab-IMC-CMS
Sat 02 Apr/15:00Buffalo, Quito, SeattleMalik, NataleWoodFermilab-IMC-CMS
Wed 06 Apr/04:30Amiens, IsaTown, ReggioCalabria, VastoNatale, Ventura BarrosoCecireFermilab-IMC-CMS
Fri 29 Apr/14:00Puebla, RioJaneiroVazquez, UribeCecireFermilab-IMC-webinar02




Date/time (U.S. Central Time)InstitutesModerator(s)StaffZoom link
Sat 19 Mar/14:00DurhamJunkWoodFermilab-IMC-MINERvA
Sat 26 Mar/14:00Mayaguez, NotreDame/StJoeHSJunkCecireFermilab-IMC-MINERvA
Thu 31 Mar/09:00ManchesterVT, ValenciaOlivierWood, PlucinskiFermilab-IMC-MINERvA
Thu 31 Mar/15:00Lead, NotreDame/WinamacOlivierPlucinskiFermilab-IMC-MINERvA
Sat 30 Apr/15:00Duluth, HammondJunkPasero, CoyleFermilab-IMC-MINERvA


Access to student results:

ATLAS Z-pathCMS WZH-pathMINERvA Neutrino
OPloT (login/pwd needed)CIMA-Student (open)CIMA-Admin (login/pwd needed)Google sheets
  • see data assignments table


Basic Videconference Plan

Times will vary. Revised Feb 2022. There is no provision for reports from Institutes*. 

Time from startItemRemarks
-00:15Moderators arrive; institutes log intest and establish video and audio connections
+00:00Startintroductions of moderators, institutes, map; warm-up questions
+00:10Combined resultsmoderators present and ask questions, lead discussion
+00:20Q&Amoderators take questions from students
+00:30Videoconference endstime varies

*Some will present results anyway. That is OK.


Suggestions on how to be an effective Masterclass moderator:
You might know most of this already...but we still need to remind ourselves. Please send in items to add to this list.

  • Speak clearly and succinctly
  • Show your sense of humor
  • Avoid too many explanations: draw ideas from students and then help them
  • When you do explain, keep it short and direct
  • Encourage students to speak up, give their views, and back them up
  • Mind the schedule
  • Be friendly
  • It is alright to disagree...with mentors, students, or each other
  • Let students get a feel for how you see data and analysis
  • Be familiar with the Masterclass measurement
  • Show your enthusiasm
  • Work as a team

Meet the Moderators


Pedro Abreu
LIP and IST, Portugal

Jared Adelman
Northern Illinois University, USA

Mike Albrow
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, USA

Ketevi Assmamagan
Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA

Kenneth Cecire
ND/QuarkNet, USA

Maria Giovanna Foti
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA

Cecilia E. Gerber
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, USA

Marla Glover
Purdue University, USA

Julie Hogan
Bethel University, USA

Thomas Junk
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, USA

Sudhir Malik
Universidad de Puerto Rico, Mayagüez, PR (USA)

Cristina Mantilla Suarez Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, USA

Sonia Natale
CERN, Switzerland

Scarlet Norberg
Universidad de Puerto Rico, Mayagüez, PR (USA)

Andrew Olivier
University of Rochester, USA

Spencer Pasero
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, USA

Alexx Perloff
University of Colorado Boulder, USA

Cecilia Uribe
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Mexico

Fabiola Vazquez
Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico

Ana Ventura Barroso
DESY, Germany

Jeremy Wegner
Winamac Community High School, USA

Susan Wetzler
Plainview-Old Bethpage John F. Kennedy High School, USA

Shane Wood
UMN/QuarkNet, USA