LHC Masterclass Library 2019

Links :

World Wide Data Day 2019 - Archive

World Wide Data Day 2019: Wednesday, 16 October, 00:00-23:59 UTC         Small URL for this page: http://tiny.cc/w2d2.   Registration is closed for 2019.  To request…

World Wide Data Day Archive

Memos W2D2-2018: Memo 1, 17 October 2018 Memo 2, 24 October 2018 Memo 3, 31 October 2018 Memo 4, 7 November 2018 Memo 5, 14 November 2018   Materials  W2D2-2018: Flyer for students Press…

CMS Masterclass 2019 Documentation

This document in PDF form: http://tiny.cc/cms-doc-imc19.​   External Links: CMS WZH guide  Masterclass Library CMS Masterclass website International Masterclasses   CMS WZH Measurement   …

CMS Masterclass 2020 Documentation

This document in PDF form: http://tiny.cc/cms-doc-imc19.   ​External Links: CMS WZH guide  Masterclass Library CMS Masterclass website International Masterclasses   CMS Enhanced WZH …

Planning the Masterclass 2019

This page is to help to guide mentors in preparing their teams, including teachers, for the masterclass. Navigation Key elements Resources Narrative Objectives Go to Project Map.    …

CMS WZH-path measurement 2019

This page is to help to guide mentors and teachers in planning the masterclass with the CMS WZH-path measurement.. Navigation iSPy and spreadsheets Students arrive Shift training Data…

ATLAS Z-Path Measurement 2019

This page is to help to guide mentors and teachers in planning the masterclass with the ATLAS Z-path measurement. Navigation Hypatia and data Students arrive Shift training Data analysis…

Masterclass Institutes 2019

This and the ATLAS and CMS pages help to guide mentors and teachers in planning the masterclass. Navigation Common Elements Table of Institutes Go to full Project Map. Additional measurements…

Classroom 2019

This page is to help to guide teachers in preparing students for their masterclass. Navigation Objectives Suggested activities Additional resources Get the word out Go to full Project Map…

Orientation 2019

This page is to help to guide mentors in preparing their teams, including teachers, for the masterclass. Navigation New Institutes Experienced Institutes Orientation Schedule   Go to…