LHC Masterclass Library 2019

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Vidyo 2019

This page is to help to guide mentors and teachers in planning the masterclass videoconference. Navigation Using a computer Using H.323   Go to Full Project Map Using a computer Make…

Fermilab moderators 2019

Moderator Orientations last year: CERN, 32-1-A24...Tuesday 5 March 2019...10:00-12:00 CET...https://indico.cern.ch/event/796348/. FNAL, WH2SE (Comitium)...Thursday 7 March 2019...10:00-12:00 CT...…

Videoconferences 2019

This page is to help to guide mentors and teachers in planning the masterclass videoconference. Navigation Short URL for this page: http://tiny.cc/fnalvc2019. CERN videoconferences Fermilab…

LHC Masterclass Library Project Map 2019

   Small URL for this page: http://tiny.cc/mc2019lib. The Masterclass Library contains most of the information needed for physicists and teachers to run a masterclass. The Project Map below is…