QuarkNet Teachers Workshop, 2023, NOvA Masterclass Data
QuarkNet Teachers Workshop 2023
Fermilab/University of Chicago/College of DuPage Center
tinyurl for this page https://tinyurl.com/QTW2023
zoom link for the workshop QTW 2023 Zoom link
- Apply physics principles to reduce or explain the observations in data investigations.
- Examine simulated and experimental data. Identify patterns within the data and consider the causes of those patterns.
- Create, organize and interpret data plots; make claims based on evidence and provide explanations; identify data limitations.
- Develop a plan for taking students from their current level of data use to subsequent levels using activities and/or ideas from the workshop.
- Registration QuarkNet 2023 Workshop Registration
- (teachers can indicate if they need a QuarkNet account)
- create or revisit QuarkNet website account (this is done manually by the QN fellows, so it may take a day)
- update QuarkNet profile on website How to Update your Profile
- Activity Survey
- This year, all teachers need to do the full survey this year. QuarkNet Teacher Survey 2023
- Link to the actual Data Activities Portfolio
- Norms for working as a group
- Create or select Google account
Tuesday, 1 August, 2023 (Training Center, Large Training Room)
- 9:00 Welcome and introductions (QuarkNet/Workshop Overview)
- 9:30 Student Presentation: Cosmic Ray Muon Detectors
- Tomographic Muon Imaging 3D Simulation of El Castillo Pyramid
- Jensen Coonradt, Oswego East
- Brian Li, Neuqua Valley
- Mark Adams, Cosmic Ray Muon Detectors
- Dave Hoppert, Cosmic Ray Muon Detectors
- link to presentation, CRMD
- link to slides, CRMD
- 10:15 break
- 10:30 Particle Transformations (George)
- 11:30 Scientist Talk, Marco Del Tutto, Neutrinos, especially oscillations
- 12:00 Break for Lunch
- 13:00 Student Presentation: Dark Matter
- Testing the BREAD Reflector (Broadband Reflector Experiment for Axion Detection)
- Aiman Imran, Walter Payton
- Jonathan Schiff, Oak Park River Forest
- Andrew Sonnenschein, PPD, Astrophysics
- presentation slides BREAD
- 1345 break
- 14:00 Scientist Talk: Aleksandra Ciprijanovic, Machine Learning
- a similar talk, Arts and Lecture Series, video link, Artificial Intelligence in AstroPhysics
- 14:30 Energy, Momentum, and Mass (George)
- 16:00 Reflections on Activities and Discussion
- 16:30 End of Day
Wednesday, 2 August, 2023 (Training Center, Large Training Room)
- 9:00 Recap and Reflection
- 9:30 Student Presentation: Machine Learning
- Domain Adaptation for the Identification of Double-Source Plane Lenses
- Sofia Grimm, The Latin School
- Jerry Zhou, Neuqua Valley
- Brian Nord, Machine Learning, Astrophysics
- Aleksandra Ciprijanovic
- link to pres DSPL
- 10:15 - Coding Activity
- 12:00 Break for Lunch
- 13:00 Scientist Talk: Monica Nunes, Short-Baseline Neutrino, Near Detector
- slides to an alternate similar presentation SBND in 10 minutes
- 13:30 Student Presentation: Neutrino Detector
- LArTPCs (Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers)
- Andrew Gallagher, Hinsdale Central
- Monica Nunes, Short-Baseline Neutrino, Near Detector
- slides for presentation Andrew slides, LArTPCs
- 14:00 Visit to Bubble Chamber at SiDet, group photo
- Group Picture
- Virtual Tour SiDet Building Virtual SiDet Tour
- 14:30 Neutrino & NOvA Introduction
- Shuffling the Particle Deck
- Video: How to Make a Beam of Neutrinos
- NOvA Tutorial: Link to Tutorial
- Time to work on Tutorial (~20 min)
- NOvA Tutorial Share Out
- Video: NOvA Experiment Time Lapse
- 16:00 Reflections on Activities and Discussion
- 16:00 (Optional) Colloquium: Breaking the Quantum Double Slit
- 16:30 End of Day
Thursday, 3 August, 2023 (Training Center, Large Training Room)
- 9:00 Scientist Talk: Mandy Kiburg, Test Beams Facility
- slides for Mandy Physics of Particle Detectors
- 9:30 Student Presentation: Test Beam Facility
- Developments for Edit School
- Yashas Mattur, Hoffman Estates
- Mandy Kiburg, Test Beams Facility
- slides for Wire Chambers and Beam Profile
- 10:15 break
- 10:30 Scientist Talk: Anne Norrick, NOvA experiment
- slides from Anne Anne, NOvA
- 11:00 NOvA Masterclass Measurement - Theory & Far Detector CC Events
- Theory & Far Event Introduction Talk -Even Bananas video is embedded within the slides
- Part 1A: Far Detector Charged Current Muon Neutrino Interaction Events
- CC/”NuMu” Images - Measure Here
- CC/”NuMu” Report Track Lengths - Record Here
- Results of track length reporting - View together
- 12:00 Break for Lunch
- 13:00 NOvA Masterclass Measurement - Far Detector NC Events
- Part 1B: Far Detector Neutral Current Neutrino Interaction Events
- NC Images - Measure Here
- NC Report Track Lengths - Record Here
- Results of track length reporting - View together
- Discussion: What is our cutoff length that we will use to separate likely CC and NC events?
- Part 1B: Far Detector Neutral Current Neutrino Interaction Events
- 14:00 - Near Detector Analysis
- Do a “File - Make a Copy”
- Alternative, non-Google Notebook Link, if Needed
- Github Link to Data
- Discussion: Did we see evidence of neutrino oscillation? What is your reasoning?
- Python Answer Key
- Part 2 Slides
- 15:30 Implementation and Evaluation
- This year, all teachers need to do the full survey this year. QuarkNet Teacher Survey 2023
- Implementation Form
- ISBE Evaluation Form & link to Evidence of Completion
- 16:30 End of Day
- Finish Survey, if needed
- Finalize or update profile, if needed.
Resources (Science)
QuarkNet website https://quarknet.org/
Everything you need to know about Fermilab https://www.youtube.com/user/fermilab
All Things Neutrinos https://neutrinos.fnal.gov/
Neutrino Experiments at Fermilab https://www.fnal.gov/pub/science/particle-physics/experiments/neutrinos.html
NOvA (NuMI Off-axis νe Appearance) experiment https://novaexperiment.fnal.gov/
Resources (Activities)
- Cosmic Ray Muon Detectors
- Shuffling the Particle Deck
- Energy, Momentum, and Mass
- https://quarknet.org/page/energy-momentum-and-mass
- https://quarknet.org/data-portfolio/activity/energy-momentum-and-mass
- a very good introduction to particle physics
- Coding
- link to alternative to colab My Binder
- video on working in pairs on computers
- Interactive Historgrams, Graphical Analysis
Resources (NOvA)
Resources (Python Coding)
Additional Coding Resource Links
Some Other Example Notebooks and Resources
Implementation Examples
Implementation Example: Wrapping paper & surface area
Implementation Example: Graphing & Linearizing Lab Data
Graphing Lab Data Introduction: Graphing with Spreadsheets
Graphing Lab Data Extension: Dry Lab Student Activity
Your QuarkNet Neutrino Fellows:
- Michael Plucinski, michael.plucinski@gmail.com
- Spencer Pasero, spasero@gmail.com