QuarkNet Teachers Workshop, 2023, NOvA Masterclass Data

QuarkNet Teachers Workshop 2023

Fermilab/University of Chicago/College of DuPage Center

tinyurl for this page https://tinyurl.com/QTW2023


zoom link for the workshop QTW 2023 Zoom link 



  • Apply physics principles to reduce or explain the observations in data investigations.
  • Examine simulated and experimental data. Identify patterns within the data and consider the causes of those patterns.
  • Create, organize and interpret data plots; make claims based on evidence and provide explanations; identify data limitations.
  • Develop a plan for taking students from their current level of data use to subsequent levels using activities and/or ideas from the workshop.




Tuesday, 1 August, 2023 (Training Center, Large Training Room)


  • 12:00   Break for Lunch
  • 13:00   Student Presentation:  Dark Matter
    • Testing the BREAD Reflector (Broadband Reflector Experiment for Axion Detection)
    • Aiman Imran, Walter Payton
    • Jonathan Schiff, Oak Park River Forest
    • Andrew Sonnenschein, PPD, Astrophysics
    • presentation slides BREAD
  • 1345   break
  • 14:00  Scientist Talk:  Aleksandra Ciprijanovic, Machine Learning
  • 14:30   Energy, Momentum, and Mass (George)
  • 16:00   Reflections on Activities and Discussion
  • 16:30 End of Day



Wednesday, 2 August, 2023  (Training Center, Large Training Room)




Thursday, 3 August, 2023  (Training Center, Large Training Room)   


    • Finish Survey, if needed
    • Finalize or update profile, if needed.


Resources (Science)

QuarkNet website https://quarknet.org/

Everything you need to know about Fermilab  https://www.youtube.com/user/fermilab

All Things Neutrinos https://neutrinos.fnal.gov/

Neutrino Experiments at Fermilab  https://www.fnal.gov/pub/science/particle-physics/experiments/neutrinos.html

NOvA  (NuMI Off-axis νe Appearance) experiment https://novaexperiment.fnal.gov/


Resources (Activities)


Resources (NOvA)

Resources (Python Coding)

Additional Coding Resource Links


Your QuarkNet Neutrino Fellows:

  • Michael Plucinski, michael.plucinski@gmail.com
  • Spencer Pasero, spasero@gmail.com