U of M Neutrino Masterclass - April 6, 2019

Neutrino Masterclass: MINERvA Analysis
Small URL: http://tinyurl.com/mnmc2019
University of Minnesota, PAN Room 110 - April 6, 2019
09:00 Welcome, Sign-In & Ice Breaker (Shane will complete attendance summary)
09:30 Introductory Talk (Greg)
10:30 Tour 1 Nano Lab/Clean Room
11:30 Analysis Talk (Greg & Shane)
12:30 Lunch with a physicist (lunch provided)
13:30 Data Analysis - MINERvA Student Start Page: http://tiny.cc/mmc-go
14:30 Tour 2 - Mu2e Lab
15:00 Discussion of results, Q&A
15:45 Break; set up for videoconference
16:00 Video conference (connect with Zoom)
16:35 End of day survey (student survey, teacher/mentor survey)
~16:45 End of day