U of M QuarkNet Workshop 2021
August 11-13, 2021
Physics and Nanotechnology (PAN) Building, Room #: 110
Small URL for this page: https://tinyurl.com/umnqn2021
Wednesday, August 11
09:00 Opening Session, Shane
- Registration
- Check-in (whip around)
- Update profile in quarknet.org (how to)
- QuarkNet update & news
- Norms, APS STEP UP poster
- Data Activities Portfolio (DAP)
- Share-a-thon
- Implementation plans & Survey - Friday
10:00 TOTEM Data Express I, Shane & Ken
11:00 Talk: Richard Diurba, MicroBooNE, via Zoom
12:00 Lunch
13:00 TOTEM Data Express II (in development), Ken & Shane
13:45 Plotting Tunnel Effect Data, Ken & Shane
14:15 Break
14:30 W2D2 (CMS), Shane & Ken
- Video: The LHC, Don Lincoln
- Intro slides
- Analysis
- Access data: iSpy-w2d2
- Record results: tally sheet (make your own personal copy to edit), or print a pdf <--use this first!
- Share results: local spreadhseet <--use this second!
- Discussion of results
15:45 End of day discussion
16:00 End of day 1
Thursday, August 12
09:00 Opening session - Good Morning!
- Recap yesterday; look ahead to today/tomorrow
- Update profile in quarknet.org (how to) <--If you didn't do this yesterday!
09:15 NOvA masterclass measurement/activity (in development) - Mike P. & Greg
- Opening Talk & Activity, Greg
- Activity, Mike
- Discussion
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Talk: Tom Eichlersmith, LDMX, PAN 110
14:00 Break
14:15 Conservation of Energy Activity, Karin
- Student Directions for Lab: Conservation of Energy
- Student Colab Notebook for Lab: Conservation of Energy (spaces open for students to add code to compute PE, KE, and TME...and to make graph)
- Teacher Colab Notebook for Lab: Conservation of Energy (data entered and code written correctly...etc.)
15:15 New DAP Activty
16:00 End of day 2
17:00- Optional meetup at Surly
Friday, August 13
09:00 Opening session - Good Morning!
- Recap yesterday; look ahead to today/tomorrow
- Update profile in quarknet.org (how to) <--If you didn't do this yesterday!
09:15 Share-A-Thon (Jon/Karin facilitate)
- Link to Document
- Include a break
11:00 Talk: Ben Messerly, Mu2e, PAN 110 (Google slides, pdf)
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Center planning/future activity
- A meeting during school year? In person (MnSTA?, other?) or virtual?
- Masterclass 2022
- Next year's workshop - dates? topics?
13:30 Implementation
- Review agneda, DAP
- Small group discussion - record discussion points
- Implementation plans - Make an editable copy for yourself
- Post a copy in comments section below. Be sure to share your document so it is viewable, and hyperlink the link in the comment.
- Presentation of implementation plans
14:45 Survey
- Survey Update or
- Full Survey (if you did not complete full survey in 2019 or 2020)
15:00 End of 2021 workshop
- Greg Pawloski, MN Mentor
- Jon Anderson, MN Lead Teacher
- Karin Foss, MN Lead Teacher
- Mike Plucinski, QN Neutrino Fellow
- Ken Cecire, QN Staff
- Shane Wood, QN Staff