09:00 Pre-Workshop
- Zoom sign-in and handshake
- Whip-around: Intros and "how are you doing?"
- Registration
09:30 Discusson: Data Portfolio
09:45 Warm-Up Activity
- Facilitator makes brief introduction, reminder of Project Map
- All log into e-Lab
- Participants go to breakout rooms of 2-4; each room assigned a different plot
- Bump hunt for particle reonsnances
- Reconvene to discuss
10:45 Break
11:00 Research Actviity
- Facilitator assigns each small group an area to research:
- Distributions in eta
- Distributions in phi
- Momentum vs transverse momentum
- Missing Et
- Excited states of J/Psi and Upsilon
- Helpful reference: Geometry of a Collider Detector
11:30 Videoconference Pause
- Lunch
- Teachers explore plots they can make for research projects
- QuarkNet accounts (you need 2 kinds)
- Registration (for those who need account)
- Update account
- Note: 12:00-13:00 Facilitator Lunch
13:00 Optional "Office Hour"
14:00 CMS e-Lab topic: Correlated plots
14:30 Groups reconvene to work on research
15:30 CMS e-Lab topic: Making a poster
16:00 End of day
09:00 Welcome back and opening discussion
09:15 Finish research and make posters
10:15 Poster presentations
11:00 Break
11:15 Implementation Plan
12:30 End Workshop
