Workshop "must do" items 2020

This document is for Mentors, Lead Teachers and Facilitators. Please provide time during the workshop for teachers at your QuarkNet program to do the following:


Outline of "Must Do" items:

  1. Register
  2. Update profile on
  3. Post implementation plans on agenda page (Required for national workshops; strongly recommended for local workshops)
  4. Complete Teacher Survey or Teacher Survey Update
  5. Sign in



  1. Registration - (bulletize these details) 
    • All teachers should register using this link:
    • Please indicate if you need an account or an e-Lab account.
    • Note that accounts are created daily; it may take up to 24 hours for accounts to be created. If you need an account sooner than that, please let Shane or Ken know.
  2. Update profile on 
    • Update personal profiles on the website with this guide - by everyone. (Tiny URL -
    • For teachers with (a) cosmic ray detector(s), please enter or confirm your DAQ number. 
    • All teachers and mentors must be members of the QuarkNet website and members of their center group on the site. They must keep their information on the site current and know how to find their group. 
  3. Post implementation plans on agenda page
  4. Complete Teacher Survey or Teacher Survey Update (Required for all teachers.) Teachers must complete one of the following.
  5. Sign in Daily -
    • Teachers must sign in each day. The sign-in sheet (see below) should, minimally, have spaces for the name and signature of each teacher as well as time in and time out. 
    • Send the completed sign-in sheets to Anne Zakas. Originals are preferred; mail to:

      Anne Zakas
      Department of Physics
      225 Nieuwland Science Hall
      Notre Dame IN 46556

      Alternatively, scan and e-mail to Anne.


Contact the Staff:
Mark Adams,
Ken Cecire,
Spencer Pasero,
Shane Wood,