The Iowa QuarkNet Center is a collaboration of the University of Iowa, Iowa State University, and Iowa physics teachers to improve education and bring students into particle physics research.
Iowa QuarkNet Center
Iowa physicist, students, and teachers at the frontier of particle physics.
- Yasar Onel, Mentor
- Mike Grannen, Lead Teacher
- Chris Like, Lead Teacher
University of Iowa /Iowa State University Center Portfolio 2025
This portfolio provides a look at survey responses from the Teacher Survey to select questions, teacher work examples (e.g., presentations, in-workshop activities, experiments) and student work (e.g…
University of Iowa Annual Report 2023
See attached for the 2023 Annual Report.
University of Iowa Summer Teacher Institute 2023
July 25-July29 Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8:30 Introductions Rolling With…
Iowa 2021 QuarkNet Summer Teacher Workshop
July 5-9 2020 University of Iowa Day 4: Thursday, July 8 Time (CDT) Activity Remarks 09:00 Pre-Workshop Zoom sign-in and handshake…
The University of Iowa QuarkNet 2018 Summer Institute
Agenda for CMS E-Lab workshop@ Univ. of Iowa, July 9 and 10
July 9-10, 2018 Van Allen Hall Objectives Participating teachers will be able to: Identify particles colliding and emerging from collisions at the LHC from CMS data. Interpret the physical…
CERN open data analysis for Z prime decay
Cosmic Ray Detector Measurements
Annual Report 2017
2016 The University of Iowa Quarknet Annual Report
During the summer of 2016, three teachers and six students from Bettendorf High School engaged in research for the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) forward calorimeter group at The University of Iowa.…