University of California at Riverside QuarkNet Center

Students, teachers, and physicists at UCR exploring particle physics together.

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CMS e-Lab workshop at Riverside

  Objectives Participating teachers will be able to: Identify particles colliding and emerging from collisions at the LHC from CMS data. Interpret the physical meaning of plots created from CMS…

Quarknet at U. C. Riverside, Annual Report for 2016

P.I.s: Robert Clare, Owen Long CMS e-lab Workshop: We held a 2-day QuarkNet CMS e-lab Workshop at UCR on July 14 and 15, 2016 with two teachers participating as well as a QuarkNet Leadership Fellow (…

UC Riverside - 2016 Session with CMS e-Lab (dev site)

14 - 15 July, 2016 - Riverside, CA   Purpose of Session: • Learn about CMS and LHC. • Try out activities you can use. • Investigate REAL data from LHC as physicists do - both “classic” and “…

QuarkNet at UC Riverside

2014 Annual Report - UCR

The main activity of the University of California at Riverside QuarkNet center in 2014 was its particiaption in International Masterclasses. Approximately 30 students participated: 12 from San…

Welcome to QuarkNet at UCR

Welcome to the Riverside QuarkNet Center group. To start, here are three things you can do right now: Create/edit your site profile (please do ASAP!) 1.     In the top menu, roll over "My stuff" 2…