CMS e-Lab workshop at Riverside
Participating teachers will be able to:
- Identify particles colliding and emerging from collisions at the LHC from CMS data.
- Interpret the physical meaning of plots created from CMS data in light of conservation rules (energy, momentum, charge).
- Ask and answer questions about the physics of high energy collisions using CMS data.
We will also provide opportunities to engage in critical dialogue among teaching colleagues about what they learn in the workshop.
Thursday July 2709:00 Introductions and CMS e-Lab registration
09:30 Introduction to the CMS Experiment (Clare, Long) 10:30 Objectives/Overview/Data Porfolio 10:50 Break 11:00 Level 2 Data Portfolio Activity 12:00 Lunch 13:00 Reflection and discussion 13:15 Level 2 Data Portfolio Activity: 14:00 Experiences teaching physics (Baker) 14:30 Introducation to CMS e-Lab
15:15 Break 15:30 Plan CMS e-Lab project
16:30 End of Day |
Friday July 2809:00 Morning Discussion, 09:15 Finalize research projects 10:00 Break 10:10 Work on projects; create posters 12:00 Lunch 13:00 Poster presentations 14:00 Using e-Lab teacher pages
14:30 Break 14:45 Discussion and Implementation Plans 16:00 QuarkNet Teacher Surveys 16:30 End of Workshop