Fermilab IMC Moderator Orientation 2025

To be self-completed online. All times are in U.S. Central Time (CT), local for Fermilab.

Q&A Sessions:  Thursday March 6 and Friday March 7, 15:00 U.S. Central Time (CT)

URL for this page: quarknet.org/mco2025.



Asynchronous orientation activities prior to March 6, 2025


Please study the pdf slides or watch the videos that apply to you.

For ALL moderators:

Masterclass Moderator Introduction (pdf) (mp4)

For ATLAS moderators

Measurement description (pdf) (mp4)

For CMS moderators

Measurement description (pdf) (mp4)

For MINERvA moderators:

Measurement description (physics review) (screencast)

For NOvA moderators:

Contact Shane Wood or Spencer Pasero



Videoconference Moderator Q&A 


JOIN US to ask questions and learn more!

Any and all moderators may participate in one or both of these sessions as needed:

Zoom Q&A, March 6 at 15:00 CT

Zoom Q&A, March 7 at 15:00 CT (recording)

If you did not make a Q&A, you can watch the recording of the March 7 session. It may also be possible have a make-up Q&A by mutual arrangement (email Spencer, Shane, or Ken).



It is helpful to the student masterclass experience if the moderator has n interesting background in the videoconference. If you can be at Fermilab or CERN, great. Even if you are, though, the students should see something related to particle physics behind you. If you can moderate from a control room or a lab, that is best, especially if you will show students around that place for the mini-virtual visit. Otherwise, you might try one of these backgrounds for your Zoom feed:

You may have an alternate background that you think will be good, in which case: Please go for it!


