
QuarkNet Contacts

Find contact information for individuals in the following departments:

Project Principal Investigators, Independent Evaluator, Detector Shipping & Maintenance, Educational Specialists, Staff Teachers, IT Staff, Support Staff

Contact Us

Monstrous 570 Megapixel Digital Camera

Beginning its 25th year, QuarkNet involves about 100,000 students from 500+ US high schools with opportunities to:

  • Analyze real data online.
  • Collaborate with teachers and students worldwide.
  • Participate in cutting-edge research.
  • Visit labs and experiments.

Through inquiry-oriented investigations students will learn about 21st Century physics and how it relates to what they learn in the classroom.

Join Us!

QuarkNet has ~50 centers in universities and laboratories participating in high-energy physics experiments. Initially, each center includes two mentor physicists and two high school physics teachers.

QuarkNet Centers