Friday Flyer/News

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Friday Flyer - December 5, 2014

Spotlight on Syracuse University QuarkNet Center: Teachers and physicists at the SU center worked for three days this summer to get more familiar and comfortable with their cosmic ray muon…

Friday Flyer - November 28, 2014

Spotlight on Emily Creager: From Masterclass Student to Masterclass Organizer Two years ago, Emily Creager participated in a CMS masterclass at the College of William and Mary. She took to…

Friday Flyer - November 21, 2014

Spotlight on Andres Torres and His Students: Students from Andres Torres' class at Ronald Reagan/Doral Senior High School represented South Florida at the International Science and Engineering…

Friday Flyer - November 14, 2014

Spotlight on Colorado State University: The CSU QuarkNet Center has lost its current mentors due to research and teaching commitments. This center has bonded into a strong group of teachers (and…

Friday Flyer - November 7, 2014

Spotlight on the University of Hawai'i at Manoa QuarkNet Center:  The group in Hawai'i has been active since 2003. The university is on Oahu; most of the teachers are as well but some…

Friday Flyer - October 31, 2014

Spotlight on UC Riverside QuarkNet Center: The QuarkNet center at the University of California Riverside focused this past year on masterclasses for two reasons: they have their own twist on it…

Friday Flyer - October 24, 2014

Spotlight on Anne Zakas:   You may have never met Anne Zakas, but you probably rely on her. Anne is the QuarkNet administrator at Notre Dame. She gets bills paid, stipends sent, and travel arranged…

Friday Flyer - October 17, 2014

Spotlight on Black Hills State University: BHSU QuarkNet Center had a busy summer. For six years they have focused on using the cosmic ray muon detector and e-Lab. This year seven teachers and…

Friday Flyer - October 10, 2014

Spotlight on LBNL: Particle physics? Check. Cosmology and astrophysics? Check. Awesome view of San Francisco Bay? Check again. The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory QuarkNet Center does…

Friday Flyer - October 3, 2014

Spotlight on Florida State: Florida State University is one of 12 centers that has been involved in QuarkNet since the very beginning: 1999. The teachers have worked each summer with Horst Wahl…