Data Activities Portfolio

The Data Portfolio is a compendium of particle physics classroom activities organized by Data Strand, Level of student engagement, Curriculum Topics and NGSS Standards. Follow the links provided for information about using the Data Portfolio to plan your students’ experience. Level descriptions explain the data analysis skills that students apply at each level: tasks in Level 0 are simpler than those in Levels 1 and 2...

Activity Name Data Strand Level Curriculum Topics NGSS Practices
dpdx What Heisenberg Knew

Heisenberg knew that, at the quantum level, we cannot know everything, at least not all at once. Students explore uncertainties in measurements of complimentary variables to find this out for themselves.

Neutrino Level 1 Kinematics, Quantum Mechanics, Skill: Developing Models, Skill: Graphing 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
epmlogy Energy, Momentum, and Mass

Students examine data to find how energy, momentum, and mass are related.

Cosmic Ray, LHC, Neutrino Level 1 Conservation Laws, Electricity & Magnetism, Skill: Developing Models, Skill: Graphing, Special Relativity 2, 4, 5, 7, 8
top-350 Calculate the Top Quark Mass

Students use conservation laws and vector addition to calculate the top mass from event displays.

Cosmic Ray, LHC Level 1 Conservation Laws, Skill: Uncertainty, Spanish Language, Special Relativity, Standard Model 1, 4, 5, 7
rwr_marblediagram Rolling with Rutherford

Students use statistics to make an indirect measurement they can easily confirm.

Cosmic Ray, LHC Level 1 Nature of Matter, Skill: Developing Models, Skill: Histograms, Skill: Uncertainty, Spanish Language 1, 3, 4, 5, 7
totem TOTEM 1

Students use TOTEM data to determine if protons (quantum objects) obey classical conservation of momentum.

LHC Level 1 Conservation Laws, Nature of Matter 4, 5, 8
quad Clone of Mapping the Poles

Students explore some basics of magnetic fields that can be related to experimental particle physics.

LHC Level 0 Electricity & Magnetism, Skill: Developing Models 2, 4, 6, 7
hexigon QuarkNet: Changing the Culture

Lesson #1 in QuarkNet STEP UP Series on diversity and inclusion.

Level 0 Diversity & Inclusion
muoncard Clone of Shuffling the Particle Deck

Teams of students organize cards depicting fundamental particles based on their characteristics. This activity is a foundation for learning about the Standard Model and parallels the methods used by scientists to organize the elements into the period table.

Cosmic Ray, LHC, Neutrino Level 0 Skill: Developing Models, Spanish Language, Standard Model 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7
cloud chamber Making Tracks I

Students analyze tracks in a cloud chamber.

Cosmic Ray, LHC, Neutrino Level 0 Nature of Matter, Skill: Developing Models, Standard Model 1, 2, 4, 6, 7
sn Signal and Noise: The Basics

Students analyze signals and noise first in audio and video forms and then look at signals and noise from physics measurements.

Cosmic Ray, LHC, Neutrino Level 0 Instrumentation, Skill: Uncertainty, Waves & Interference 4, 5, 6, 7, 8