University of Minnesota QuarkNet Center

Minnesota teachers and physicists bringing cosmic and particle data to classrooms.


  • Greg Pawloski, Mentor
  • Jon Anderson, Lead Teacher

The Minnesota QuarkNet group works on all aspects of data from QuarkNet with mentor Greg Pawloski and lead teacher Jon Anderson.

Links :

Day/Night Cosmic Ray analysis

Description: See if there is difference between day and night cosmic rays, on the same day. Standards:   Learning Ojectives:   Prior Knowledge:   Background Matrial:   Implementaton:   Assessmt:    

Pressure eLab Activity

DESCRIPTION Students will perform a search of the data to determine whether or not there is a relationship between the atmospheric pressure and the flux.  This activity will enable students…

CMS Data Workshop at Minnesota

Need an e-Lab or QN drupal account? Sign up Location: Tate Laboratory of Physics, Room 130     Objectives Participating teachers: gain knowledge and skills to successfully complete…

Agenda for CSS Teachers' Workshop - August 5-6, 2013

Need an e-Lab or QN drupal account? Sign up!   Monday 5 August 2013 0:900    Registration and Coffee 09:15    Intro slides 09:30    LHC and CMS (J. Manns) 10:30   CMS e-Lab…

Welcome to UMN QuarkNet!

Welcome to the Minnesota QuarkNet Center group. We will be building this over the next few weeks. Here are three things you can do right now: Edit your site profile  In the top menu, roll over "My…