Quantum and More at ISU 2024


At the end of this workshop, you will be partly able to:

  • Explain a variety of quantum phenomena based on three principles
  • Apply quantum phenomena to explain particle physics phenomena
  • Accept the precept, "If you understand quantum mechanics, you don't understand quantum mechanics."



Monday June 24

Time (local)ActivityRemarks
08:00Unpack CRMDs Identify non-working parts
08:30Coffee, introductions, and setting the stage
09:00Light as a wave

Interference and diffraction review:

  1. Go to PhET activity
  2. Compare water, sound, light through one slit
  3. Measure wavelength vs. no. maxima for light
  4. Demo, if available

Alternative: Students find

  • Color vs wavelength vs frequency
  • What affects the number of maxima the most (make graphs) with no. maxima as dependent variable
  • Dr Quantum Double Slit


09:45Quantum Concepts Tutorial
  1. Wave-particle duality
  2. Uncertainty Principle
  3. Wave function
11:00Quantum Mechanics: History, Concepts and Experimental VerificationSteve Millward (slides)
13:30Electron Diffraction Activity 
14:15Photoelectric effect activity
  1. Measure current vs wavelength in PhET activity
    1. Set battery voltage to 0
    2. Set intensity to 100%
    3. Start at UV, record wavelength and current, one sample for each color
    4. Record in form at https://forms.gle/5Vre3F22pvY4njR78 
    5. Results in sheet
  2. Discuss plot
  3. Video: Photoelectric Effect Explained
  4. Demo, if available

Needs work!   Get to E vs f and use multi intensity.

15:00TOTEM Activity
  1. Measure two angles for each event from data
  2. Record in form at https://forms.gle/chSooFhXFsBjEv3N7
  3. Results in sheet


  • Experimental design
  • Interference of proton wave functions
16:00End Day 1*Prep CRMDs for plateau and experiment


Tuesday June 25

Time (local) ActivityRemarks
08:00Check overnight data collection 
08:30Coffee and discussion

Revisit Must-do items; implementation

-Masterclass info:

The infolink about KITP Teachers Conference, QED and CERN Teachers program.  
09:00Review main principles
  1. Wave-particle duality
  2. Uncertainty Principle
  3. Measurement determines state
09:15Uncertainty Principle Activities
10:45Neutrinos and Quantum Physics
11:15Entangled discussion
  • Entanglement  demo
  • Probability and measurement
  • TOTEM again: Is it entanglement?
13:30Additional Topics Tutorial
  1. Explore Quantum Phenomena in PhET
  2. Pick a simulation, learn all you can
  3. Make a poster and share
14:30Summing upWhat do we know?
15:15DiscussionWhat does this mean for the classroom?
16:00End of QM workshopTwo-questions


Wednesday June 26

Time (local) ActivityRemarks
07:30Coffee, chat, etc. 
08:00CRMD work 
08:30(more Coffee) and discussion 
09:00New look Quarknet.org websitehttps://quarknet.org/
10:45CRMD experiment check-upGeometry Values
13:30Implementation write-ups
  1. Present results - share
  2. How to use in classroom


18:30End of Day 

Thursday June 27

Time (local) ActivityRemarks
07:30Coffee, chat, etc. 
08:00Final uploads, analyses, etc. 
08:30Pack up, assign CRMDs, etc.DAQ Files: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/16Qb6pG2MQrBnflviv84lcMnuCzxwe0hI?usp=sharing
10:30Surveys and other misc. paperwork 
11:00Final Words and Wrap-up 
12:00End of Workshop