QuarkNet Teachers Workshop, 2022, Teaching with Data
QuarkNet Teachers Workshop 2022, Teaching with Data
Fermilab/University of Chicago Center
tinyurl for this page QTW2022completed
zoom link for the workshop QTW 2022 Zoom link
- Apply physics principles to reduce or explain the observations in data investigations.
- Examine simulated and experimental data. Identify patterns within the data and consider the causes of those patterns.
- Create, organize and interpret data plots; make claims based on evidence and provide explanations; identify data limitations.
- Develop a plan for taking students from their current level of data use to subsequent levels using activities and/or ideas from the workshop.
- Registration QuarkNet Workshop Registration 2022 (teachers can indicate if they need a quarknet.org account)
- create or revist quarknet.org website account (this is done manually by the QN fellows, so it may take a day)
- update QuarkNet profile on website How to Update your Profile
- Activity Survey
- First time Teachers Full QN Teacher Survey 2022
- Returning Teachers Returning QN Teacher Survey 2022
- Link to the actual Data Activities Portfolio
- Norms for working as a group
- Create or select Google account
Tuesday, 2 August, 2022 ("Hornet's Nest", Wilson Hall 8 Crossover)
- 9:00 Welcome and introductions (QuarkNet/Workshop Overview)
- 9:30 Student Presentation: Applied Physics, Magnets
- Title: Novel and Performant Quench Analysis Tools for Superconducting Magnets
- Students: Shreekar Earanti and Samarth Chigogpekar
- Scientist Mentor: Stoyan Stoynev
- 9:45 Introduction/Objectives/Overview/Data Portflio
- 10:30 Presentation CMS
- 11:15 Level 1 Data Portfolio Activities
- 12:00 Break for Lunch
- 13:00 Level 1 Data Portfolio Activities
- 14:00 Tour: Wilson Hall, Linac
- 15:15 Level 1 Data Portfolio Activities
- 16:15 Reflections on Activities and Discussion
- 16:30 End of Day
Wednesday, 3 August, 2022("Hornet's Nest", Wilson Hall 8 Crossover)
- 9:00 Recap and Reflection
- 9:30 Student Presentation: UIC/CRMD
- Title: Upward Muon Search Project
- Students: Serena Garza and Sri Gaddam
- Scientist Mentor: Mark Adams
- 10:15 Student Presentation: Deep Skies, Computing
- Title: Multi-Wavelength and SZ Galaxy Cluster Simulation
- Students: Isabella Vesely and Maryanne Xu
- Scientist Mentors: Brian Nord, Aleksandra Ciprijanovic
- 11:00 CMS Masterclass Measurement
- Analyze Data
- Data Analysis Slides
- Build Cheat Sheet
- 12:00 Break for Lunch
- 13:00 Demo iSpy WebGL and CIMA examples
- 15:00 Tour: Feynman Computing Center
- 16:00 Reflections on Activities and Discussion
- 16:30 End of Day
Thursday, 4 August, 2022 (The "Big" Room, Building 327)
- 9:00 Recap and Reflection
- 9:30 Student Presentation: Test Beams/Detectors
- Evaluating the 2018 Fermilab EDIT School Code
- Student: Alena Morrisette
- Scientist Mentors: Mandy Rominsky, Evan Niner, Nathaniel Pastika
- 10:00 Student Presentation: AstroPhysics/Galaxy Clusters
- Title: Mass Observable Relationship for Machine Learning
- Student: Simone Shevchuk
- Scientist Mentor: Yuanyuan Zhang
- 10:30 Where's Higgs?
- 12:00 Break for Lunch
- 13:00 Look for Higgs in data from CMS
- Intro Slides
- Starting simple with Z mass
- Exploring 4 lepton events
- 14:00 Tour: SiDet
- 15:15 Looking for Higgs?
- 16:15 Implementation and Evaluation
- 16:30 End of Day
- Follow-up:
- Finish Survey, if needed
- Finalize or update profile, if needed.
Resources (Activities)
- Rolling with Rutherford
- Classic Chemistry (lemoyne.com)
- (a more advanced treatment with data set)
- Quark Workbench
- Particle Data Group
- What did I make?
- Mass of Pennies
- Cosmic Ray Muon Detectors
- Shuffling the Particle Deck
Resources (Higgs)
Higgs@10 Resources
Articles on the Higgs Discovery:
- Nature News & Commentary: Physicists declare victory in Higgs hunt
- New York Times: Physicists Find Elusive Particle Seen as Key to Universe
- Scientific American: New Particle Resembling Long-Sought Higgs Boson Uncovered at Large Hadron Collider
- Fermilab News: Tevatron scientists announce their final results on the Higgs particle
Videos on the Higgs:
- CERN Higgs Boson July 4th 2012 press conference
- Particle Fever
- Higgs Boson 2016
- What is a Higgs Boson? (pre-discovery)
- The Higgs Boson, back to the basics (CERN video) 2022 from Higgs information (https://home.cern/science/physics/higgs-boson/what)
- Quantum Computing for the Quantum Curious
Your QuarkNet CMS Fellows:
Marla Jane Glover <mjglover@purdue.edu>
Susan Wetzler <SWetzler@pobschools.org>