Data Activities Portfolio

The Data Portfolio is a compendium of particle physics classroom activities organized by Data Strand, Level of student engagement, Curriculum Topics and NGSS Standards. Follow the links provided for information about using the Data Portfolio to plan your students’ experience. Level descriptions explain the data analysis skills that students apply at each level: tasks in Level 0 are simpler than those in Levels 1 and 2...

Activity Name Data Strand Level Curriculum Topics NGSS Practices
The purpose of this activity is to come to a consensus for the “best” value for the mass of the Z Boson. Plotting a Concensus

The purpose of this activity is to come to a consensus for the “best” value for the mass of the Z Boson.

LHC Level 0 Conservation Laws, Nature of Matter, Standard Model, Skill: Graphing, Skill: Histograms 3, 4, 5
quad-350 Making it ‘Round the Bend - Qualitative

Students explore the effects of electric and magnetic fields on particles. 

LHC Level 1 Electricity & Magnetism, Kinematics, Spanish Language 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7
rwr_marblediagram Rolling with Rutherford

Students use statistics to make an indirect measurement they can easily confirm.

Cosmic Ray, LHC Level 1 Nature of Matter, Skill: Developing Models, Skill: Histograms, Skill: Uncertainty, Spanish Language 1, 3, 4, 5, 7
tot Signal and Noise: Cosmic Muons

In this introductory tutorial that, students learn about how to distinguish muon signals from background and instrumental noise.

Cosmic Ray Level 1 Instrumentation, Quantum Mechanics, Skill: Histograms, Skill: Uncertainty, Waves & Interference 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
dicedecay Mean Lifetime Part 1: Dice

Rolling dice serves as the model for decaying particles.

Cosmic Ray, LHC Level 1 Half-Life/Mean Lifetime, Skill: Developing Models, Skill: Histograms, Spanish Language 2, 4, 5, 7
ttbar The Case of the Hidden Neutrino

Students use momentum conservation to examine the decay of top-antitop pairs to determine what is missing from the event.

LHC, Neutrino Level 1 Conservation Laws, Skill: Developing Models, Skill: Uncertainty, Spanish Language, Special Relativity, Standard Model 2, 4, 5, 6, 7
dpdx What Heisenberg Knew

Heisenberg knew that, at the quantum level, we cannot know everything, at least not all at once. Students explore uncertainties in measurements of complimentary variables to find this out for themselves.

Neutrino Level 1 Kinematics, Quantum Mechanics, Skill: Developing Models, Skill: Graphing 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
histo Histograms: Uncertainty

Students construct histograms, identify the best value to represent the data, and report the uncertainty in their answers. 

Cosmic Ray, LHC, Neutrino Level 1 Skill: Developing Models, Skill: Histograms, Skill: Uncertainty 4, 5
epmlogy Energy, Momentum, and Mass

Students examine data to find how energy, momentum, and mass are related.

Cosmic Ray, LHC, Neutrino Level 1 Conservation Laws, Electricity & Magnetism, Skill: Developing Models, Skill: Graphing, Special Relativity 2, 4, 5, 7, 8
hexigon QuarkNet STEP UP: Careers in Physics

Lesson #2 in QuarkNet STEP UP Series on broadening participation in science.

Level 1 Broadening Participation