Kansas State University QuarkNet Center
A collaboration of teachers, students and physicists involved in inquiry-based, particle physics explorations.
Bharat Ratra, mentor
Penny Blue, lead teacher
Renee Teague, lead teacher
LIGO website
Lots of videos and resources at https://www.ligo.caltech.edu/LA
Raspberry pi and EQUIP
How to Run EQUIP from Raspberry Pi Install/update JAVA: In Command Prompt type: sudo apt-get install librxtx-java Install EQUIP: In web browser, go to cosmic ray elab. in Library,…
KSU Annual Report
Kansas State University QuarkNet Center, 2015-2016 Annual Report The K-State group held a week-long workshop and a Masterclass (and Masterclass Orientation) in the last fiscal year. The…
Laser Optics Resources 2016
Below are resources from Brian Washburn's presentation on polarized light and lasers from the 2016 summer workshop.
2016 Cosmic and CMS e-lab Workshops @ KSU
Cosmic Ray Workshop Aug 8-10 2016 “Our mission is to create opportunities for teachers and students to explore the nature of scientific research. Using cosmic ray muon detectors, students design and…
Kansas State University QuarkNet Center, Annual Report 2014-2015
The K-State group held a workshop and a Master Class in the last fiscal year and 4 teachers visited SURF. The Master Class was held on March 27, 2015 and was attended by 7 teachers and 16…
2014 Annual Report - Kansas State University
The K-State group held two workshops and a Master Class in the last fiscal year. On February 15, 2014 we held a workshop at the KSU Physics department on Physics for Policy Makers and Master Class…
Effect of Time of Day on Cosmic Ray Detection
Time of Day eLab Activity Teacher Notes DESCRIPTION Students will perform a search of data to investigate whether there is a relationship between time of day and flux…