LHC Masterclass Library 2023

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Old items

Date/time (U.S. Central Time)InstitutesModerator(s)StaffZoom linkSat 19 Mar/14:00DurhamJunkWoodFermilab-IMC-MINERvASat 26 Mar/15:00Mayaguez, NotreDame/StJoeJunkCecireFermilab-IMC-MINERvAThu 31 Mar/09…

LHC Masterclass 2023 Archive

VideoconferencesThis page is to help to guide mentors and teachers in planning the masterclass videoconference.Short URL for this page: http://tiny.cc/fnalvc. Navigation CERN, GSI, and KEK…

CMS Higgs Plots

4-lepton     4-lepton, animated   Diphoton

CMS muon track measurement

      Introduction In this measurement, students find the directional distribution of muon track in CMS. They are searching for: anomalies in the distribution that might indicate a…

ATLAS muon track measurement

    Introduction In this measurement, students find the directional distribution of muon track in ATLAS. They are searching for: anomalies in the distribution that might indicate a…

Connect with Zoom

Navigation Connect to Zoom via computer Connect to Zoom via H.323 Help Center      LHC Project Map Neutrino Project Map     Connect on your computer You need:…