LHC Fellows Workspace

Development and utilities for the QuarkNet LHC fellows.

This is where LHC and Neutrino fellows try out ideas, build agenda pages, and keep our important docs. 

Links :

CMS at P5 and CERN: Event IDs

  Version français   What are they?                              Sample Event 1                                                                    Sample Event 2                           It's a Z…

CMS at P5 and CERN: Battle of the Bosons

Version français   Learn about the events!   Use the Guide Sheet View the Screencast View the slides. Play with the CMS Animation   Try out some particle…

CMS au CERN et P5: Bataille des bosons

English version

IMC Classroom Prep

Evaluation data has shown that students who have been prepared for masterclasses report getting significantly more our of them and like them better.   Prior Knowledge for Masterclasses / Classroom…

CMS@CSI&ND2013: Event IDs

What are they?                              Sample Event 1                                                                    Sample Event 2                           It's a Z boson candidate…

CMS@CSI&ND2013: Event Analysis Training

Tiny URL for this page: http://tinyurl.com/cmscsind2013. Learn about the events! Use the Guide Sheet View the Screencast Play with the CMS Animation   Try out…

CMS Masterclass and Particle Physics Outreach

Resources for ICNFP2013 Organizational International Particle Physics Masterclasses IPPOG QuarkNet ICNFP2013   Educational CMS Masterclass ATLAS…

CMS Data Express

Introduction  CMS Data Express is a short particle physics masterclass investigation that can be used as part of a workshop or as a short class project. The main goal is to separate Z candidate…

CMS e-Lab suggested investigations

  Introductory: J/Psi mass (must bin appropriately)  compare Z-->mumu and Z-->ee Find how many peaks correseponding to real particles are in the 100k dimuon spectrum Show advantages and…

Resources: AAPT Modern Physics in the High School Classroom

AAPT Summer Meeting 2013 Session AF Links: QuarkNet, / International Masterclasses, http://www.physicsmasterclasses.org QuarkNet e-Labs, http://www.i2u2.org/elab Particle Physics and More wiki, …