LHC Fellows Workspace

Development and utilities for the QuarkNet LHC fellows.

This is where LHC and Neutrino fellows try out ideas, build agenda pages, and keep our important docs. 

Links :

Tutorial: Introduction to the Large Hadron Collider

What if you want to build the most energetic particle accelerator in the world and you want it to fit into a pre-existing 27 km circumference tunnel? Parts list: Source of particles (in this case,…

Tutorial: Relativity, Cosmic Rays, and Accelerators

Some special relativity If you have measure muon time of flight, you can calculate the speed of the muon and the Lorentz factor for the muons. For example, if the distance the muons travel is, say, d…

Data Workshops Summer-Fall 2015

Tiny URL for this page: http://tinyurl.com/dw-schd15. Current Schedule of QuarkNet Data WorkshopsDatesLocation, linked to pageTypeFacilitator(s)RemarksEst. No. Participants13-14 JulySyracuse…

Images and Files, June-Sept 2015

See list.

QuarkNet Data Workshop Draft Agenda

Data Workshops will help prepare teachers to use activites that emply data fom several particle physics experiments (as well as other sources). The workshops are designed to allow the teachers time…

QuarkNet Data Workshop

Data Workshops will help prepare teachers to use activites that emply data fom several particle physics experiments (as well as other sources). The workshops are designed to allow the teachers time…

Images and files, Jan-May 2015

See list.

Soup-to-Nuts: How wide is my proton?

Tiny URL for this page: http://tinyurl.com/s2n-totemp. Here is one way to use data from the TOTEM Experiment in the LHC to study wave properties.   The goal and why: Students measure an upper limit…

Soup-to-Nuts: Rolling with Rutherford

Tiny URL for this page: http://tinyurl.com/s2n-rwr. Here one way for a teacher to get Rolling with Rutherford rolling with his or her students.   The goal and why: Students seek…

QuarkNet an der Elbe: Contents

  Here are all of the posts: Fertig, 27 Feb 2015 Tales of 2 Weeks and 2 Cities, 12 Feb 2015  Actually, I've been to New York, 30 Jan 2015 But really, 19 Dec 2014 Eventful, 12…