This is where LHC and Neutrino fellows try out ideas, build agenda pages, and keep our important docs.
LHC Fellows Workspace
Development and utilities for the QuarkNet LHC fellows.
ATLAS and CMS Data Workshops Preflight
Lead Teachers and Mentors should prepare the following for a CMS or ATLAS Data Workshop: Materials Name tags and markers/pens Workshop evaluation forms - print one for each teacher Rolling…
CMS Data Workshop at Cincinnati
Objectives Participating teachers: gain knowledge and skills to successfully complete investigations using LHC data; interpret event displays from CMS and explain their meaning; conduct LHC…
CMS Data Workshop at Rutgers
Tiny URL for this page: Need an e-Lab or QN drupal account? Sign up! Objectives Participating teachers: gain knowledge and skills to successfully complete…
LHC Fellows Workshops Annotated Guide
The QuarkNet LHC fellows offer several workshops related to using experimental data from CERN with students and teachers. Choose the workshop title to link to further information. Summer…
Workshops Summer 2013
DatesLocationTypeFacilitator(s)OtherJun 10-11CincinnatiCMS DataCecireUCJun 27-28West LafayetteCMS e-LabCecirePurdueJul 8-9New BrunswickCMS DataCecire, WadnessRutgersJul 11-…