LHC Fellows Workspace

Development and utilities for the QuarkNet LHC fellows.

This is where LHC and Neutrino fellows try out ideas, build agenda pages, and keep our important docs. 

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New Questions outline

9:00 am Don Lincoln New Questions Film Festival What is driving particle physics? W boson mass: the hardest measurement What does the Muon g-2 experiment tell us? Discussion 10:00 am Hands-on…

g-2 Experiment Tutorial

  The Muon g-2 experiment measures the magnetic moment of the muon with high precision. The results are, well, interesting.           Images courtesy of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory,  …

Making Histograms

    What is a Histogram? A histogram is "a representation of a frequency distribution by means of rectangles whose widths represent class intervals and whose areas are proportional to the…

Higgs Tutorial for ASP 2022

A tutorial on the road to discovery Divide into groups. Each group will try to answer one question in this activity.  Group questions: What are the Higgs field and the Higgs boson? Why did…

QuarkNet Map Practice

QuarkNet Centers  

4-lepton analysis for Higgs@10

  This explanation was made for Ver 1. Some of the details vary from Ver 2. A note of explanation This page is intended for teachers who are exploring the new (as of June 2022) Higgs discovery…

Where's Higgs?

A tutorial on the road to discovery Divide into 3 groups and try to answer the questions in this activity.  Foundation Question for all 3 groups:  Why did theorist Peter Higgs and his colleagues…

UPRM article

Spotlight on The University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez QuarkNet Center Puerto Rico was hard-hit by the pandemic and the UPRM QuarkNet Center was on hiatus in 2020. They began the comeback in 2021…

Higgs@10 Workshop

Draft Concept and Agenda   Concept The discovery of the Higgs Boson was announced at CERN and around the world on the 4th of July, 2012. That makes our knowledge of its existence ten years old.…

LHC fellows workshop - October 9, 2021

    Draft schedule Time (ET) Activity Resources used 09:00 Ramp-up and check-in   09:15 Discussion of Czech Particle Physics Project CPPP 09:45 Intro to OPAL masterclass…