Virtual QuarkNet Center

VQC is a group of QuarkNet teachers who are separated geographically but collaborate online.


Danielle McDermott, Mentor
Dave Trapp, Lead Teacher
Mike Wadness, Lead Teacher

The Virtual QuarkNet Center is a group of teachers, generally far from a geographic QuarkNet center but who work together using online tools to collaborate. Virtual QuarkNet Center teachers have monthly Sunday evening videoconferences during the school year and meet face-to-face once each summer. The teachers participate in cosmic ray studies using the cosmic ray e-Lab and in international masterclasses from their schools. The mentors, Antonio Delgado, a particle physicist at the University of Notre Dame, and Danielle McDermott, condensed matter physicist at Pacific Univerisity; emeritus mentor Dan Karmgard, another Notre Dame particle physicist; the lead teachers, Dave Trapp ( and Mike Wadness, are QuarkNet fellows from Washington and Massachusetts, respectively.

Links :

Google Form for Summer Meeting 2014

Please fill out this form and submit as soon as you can: we need your data this week!   Loading...

Dark energy WIMP search by Orin Harris

Orin Harris has agreed to share with us the slides for his talk on the PICO collaboration searching for dark energy WIMPs.  You can see them at…

particle adventure WS

particle adventure WS to help student retention and be more involved readers/viewers.

Bates Accelerator

Cartoon Muon Solenoid and more

Cartoon Muon Solenoid event display created by Dan Karmgard, Don Lincoln's particle physics videos,…

Purdue CRMD Interface Program

You can download it here: 

particle physics unit

Link to CERN HST Program

Link to CERN HST Program

Nobel Prizes in Physics

Here is a link to the list of Nobel Prizes in Physics:

Link to the Einstein Plus program at Perimeter Institute

EinsteinPlus is a one-week intensive workshop for Canadian and international high school teachers at the Perimeter Institute near Waterloo, Ontario that focuses on modern physics, including quantum…