2024 Cosmic Ray Workshop at Univ. of Washington

2024 Cosmic Ray Workshop at University of Washington

June 26-27, 2024

UW Physics and Astronomy Building PAB B256

Small URL for this page: https://tinyurl.com/uwqn24


DAY 1 - Wednesday, June 26, 2024
9:00 - 9:30

Introductions and Registration

  • Sign in on the sign sheet
  • Introduction of each teacher (name, school, subject, years of teaching, interest, what is the goal of the workshop)
  • Registration Link (This is for teachers only)
  • Who needs a Cosmic Ray e-Lab account? (E-mail Shane - swood5@nd.edu - and he will make you one.)
  • Sign-in
9:30 - 10:00
  • Introduction of the detector (show set up and description of each part of the equipment)
  • Questions and answers
 Break 20 min
10:20 - 12:00
  • Second Detector Set-Up (hands-on activity - teachers connect all counters and discussion on what is working or not)
  • What teachers must know: safety (emergency information signs, storage containers), inclinometer, tape measurement, shelving, etc.
  • Calibrate Barometers - to find accurate data of pressure using the Phyphox app
  • Review how to do geometry
  • Discussion (questions and answers)
  • Let run data for afternoon analysis.
 Lunch break - one hour (go out to eat together/discussion on QuarkNet)

1:00 - 2:00


Cosmic Ray e-Lab

  • e-Lab registration
  • Introduction of the e-lab website and how to use
  • Search for data
  • How to do a flux study
  • Look at concatenated blessing files
  • How to do a Lifetime and Time of the flight study
  • Angle of Acceptance

Data Activities Portfolio (DAP) Activity: 

  • Hands-on activity Shuffling the Particle Deck
  • Discussion of how to use this activity in the classroom
  • QuarkNet activity page intro - how to find activities (time to explore)
  • Standard Model, Muons
 10 minutes Break

Cosmic Ray Studies

  • Upload morning data. How to stop the data and how to upload the data, how to enter geometric data accurately 
  • Discussion on morning data analysis
  • How to do shower study - many possible set-ups
  • Go over CR recourse "Golden files."
10 minDay 1 workshop review - discussion of how to implement classroom (each teacher's opinions) classroom transfer

Overnight Cosmic Ray Studies

  • Discussion on - What do we want to run overnight? - Set it up.
  • On stack - switch channels 1 and 2 to do a speed of muon study
3:55-4:00Clean up and End for the day - sign out sheet
DAY 2 - Thursday, June 27, 2024


Plan for day, Questions?


Upload data, check blessing, voltage, etc.

start running another data changing position of counters 3 and 4


Sign in to e-Lab and find the uploaded file 

Analyze the data Performance, Time of flight (is there any sense)

10:30- 11:30
  • Cosmic Ray Muon Analysis: Muon Time of Flight
  • Timing correction and cable length calibration
  • Prediction relationship between acceptance vs time of flight
  • start calculation acceptance angle on set up 
  • Graph data on Desmos and see how our prediction was
  • Do research on angle dependance of muon 
  • Looking back, the result data and how it makes sense. 

Go over: What document teacher needs, 

  • Students' work examples 
  • a calibration tutorial, 
  • detector safety setup idea (pictures), 
  • instructional strategy and PPT.

Discussion - questions and answers


Work on creating posters


Discuss what is missing and what should be there.


Hands-on activity:

Histogram Activity: Rolling with Rutherford? Other?

Implement in a classroom - 

  • how to continue the class discussion, 
  • other histogram activities

Cosmic Ray Studies

  • Upload and data analysis of today's on stack switched counter 3 and 4 data
  • Speed of muon
  • Discussion

Overall Cosmic Ray Studies

  • Workshop Reflection: Discussion: Implementation Plans
  • fill out the survey.

Teacher Survey

Complete Teacher Survey or Teacher Survey Update (Required for all teachers.) Teachers must complete one of the following. 

16:00packing up and group picture. 


Cosmic Ray resources:

  • Cosmic ray poster (ppt) (pdf)
  • Lifetime "golden files" - (excel) (pdf)
  • More "golden files" - (excel) (pdf)
  • Speed of muon - (excel)
  • Slides: Using e-lab without a detector - (ppt) (pdf)
  • Slides: Counting studies without e-Lab - (ppt) (pdf)
  • Slides: Helpful ideas (ppt) (pdf)
  • How to use Equip (word) (pdf)
  • CR Example Posters: poster 1, poster 2