2024 JHU Workshop

(click "read more" to see entire page)

We will meet in Bloomberg 462 in the mornings; 478 for the PM sessions.

Scroll to bottom for some details and files related to PM lab work.




Mon 22 July

9:00-10:00 - Jeremy Smith, Hereford HS; Morris Swartz, JHU

Welcome, schedule for week, brief summary of afternoon work; the Muon g-2 experiment


Register for workshop:

Complete QuarkNet national survey. There are two different surveys - please read carefully.

1. If you have NOT completed the full QN survey in 2023 or 2024, fill out the full survey.

2. If you HAVE done the full survey, you only need to do the update survey.

10:00-10:10 coffee break

10:15 - Dr. Nima Arkani-Hamed - Why do we live in a second-derivative universe?

Jeremy's attempt at notes

Greg's notes

1:00-2:00 lunch

2:00 - introduction to “pathways” for afternoon lab work (see end of page for details on each)

-cosmic ray detectors

-radio astronomy: galactic rotation curves

-radio astronomy: measuring the CMB temperature (AKA fun with liquid nitrogen)

-superconductivity lab

-cloud chambers for the classroom


Tue 23 July

9:00-10:00 - Katie Bennett: Fascinating results from the JWST NIRSpec instrument (slides in PDF)

10:00-10:10 - coffee break

10:15 - 12:15ish - Dr. David Kaplan: Invariants in SR, GR, Cosmology - does dark matter have to be a particle at all??...

Jeremy's notes

Greg's notes

12:30-1:30 - lunch

1:30-4: lab pathways



Wed 24 July

9:00-10:00 - Dr. Danielle Norcini: Searching for dark matter using silicon (slides as PDF)

10:00-10:10 coffee break

10:15-11:15 - Greg Hrinda: CERN trip; building a Linac with students; incorporating Python into the classroom 


11:00-11:10 - coffee break

11:15-12:15 - Dr. Andrei Gritsan, JHU: “Tetraquarks; or, 50 years of the quark model

Pictorial representation of the all-charm tetraquark in the... | Download  Scientific Diagram

12:30-1:30 - lunch 

12:30-4: lab pathways



Thu 25 July

9:00-9:30 - Student cosmic ray experiments

QuarkNet Cosmic Ray Detector

9:30-10:00 - Ray Hodges, Jewish Day School - the CERN antihydrogen experiments (slides as PDF)

The Antiproton Decelerator | CERN


10:00-10:10 coffee break

10:15-11:15 Dr. Keisuke Inomata, theoretical cosmology: The history of the universe, probed by gravitational waves

11:15-11:25 - coffee break

11:30-12:30 - Dr. Sean Carroll: Philosophy of quantum mechanics: The Many Worlds hypothesis 

12:30-1:30 - lunch

1:30-4 - cloud chamber particle detectors

Materials list and assembly instructions available at the S'Cool page from CERN



Fri 26 July

9:00-10:00 - Surjeet Rajendran: What happens when the microscopic becomes the macroscopic? or, "Shut up and calculate!" (slides here, and a more formal write-up here.)

Funny Quantum Physics Shut up and Calculate T-Shirt

10:00-10:10 - Breakfast/coffee break

10:15-11:15 - Tour of Danielle Speller's lab

Neutrinoless Double Beat Decay

11:15-11:25 - coffee break

11:30-12:30 - Dr. Chuck Bennett: experimental cosmology Q&A

Baryon Acoustic Oscillations Cartoon | SDSS

12:30-1:30 - lunch

1:30-3 - finish lab pathways, brief report-out


Details on PM Lab Work, Links


1. Cosmic Ray Detector (link to necessary software here)

2. Student Radio Telescope (download specs & lab documents here)

  • Galactic Rotation Curve
  • CMB temperature measurement

3. Cloud Chamber (here's the landing page for the project and here are the assembly instructions in PDF)

4. Superconductivity (here's the device listed at PASCO for five hunnit fitty dollars!)

5. Quarknet Activities (find the link to the Data Activities Portfolio at top of this site)